Social Sectors
Note: The following documents are available in PDF format. Please use Acrobat Reader
          (available for free download at
 to view them.

Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Introduction
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Labour and Employment
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Poverty
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation Programme
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Literacy and Education
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Development of Women and Children
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Gender Inequality
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Welfare of Weaker Sections
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Population and Family Welfare
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Medical and Health Care
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Housing
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Water Supply and Sanitation

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