TABLE 1.10
Balance of Payments : Summary@

(In US$ million)

1999-2000 2000-2001
Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep
1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000
1 Exports 8148 9660 10172 10305 10397 11345
2 Imports 12305 13053 13976 16049 15140 15836
         of which : POL 2026 2432 2526 3498 3935 4371
3 Trade balance -4157 -3393 -3804 -5744 -4743 -4491
4 Invisibles (net) 2402 2281 3577 4675 2418 2818
      Non-factor services 412 217 1060 2167 179 332
      Investment income -811 -1020 -790 -938 -1183 -884
      Pvt. transfers 2744 3018 3181 3313 3362 3308
      Official Grants 57 66 126 133 60 62
5 Current Account Balance -1755 -1112 -227 -1069 -2325 -1673
6 External assistance (net) -9 130 356 424 -343 -34
7 Commercial borrowing (net) 61 19 -148 381 -219 114
8 IMF (net) -78 -78 -78 -26 -26 --
9 Non-resident deposits (net) 611 321 558 650 752 610
10 Rupee debt service -518 -3 -49 -141 -460 -1
11 Foreign investment (net)
of which :
1340 1066 739 1972 1197 569
(i) FDI (net) 441 616 393 643 594 488
(ii) FIIs 842 112 233 948 158 -204
(iii) Euro equities & others 57 338 113 381 445 285
12 Other flows (net) 1760 -934 873 1106 377 2
13 Capital account total (net) 3167 521 2251 4366 1278 1260
14 Reserve use (– increase) -1412 591 -2024 -3297 1047 413

Memo items :—

Growth of Exports — BOP (%)* 4.9 10.4 23.5 7.9 27.6 17.4
Growth of Imports — BOP (%)* -1.9 7.7 19.8 43.1 23.0 21.3
     of which, POL (%)* 53.5 53.1 66.7 74.2 94.2 79.7
@   Actuals.
* Growth rate of exports, imports and POL relate to growth rates over corresponding period of previous year.

Source : Reserve Bank of India.