TABLE 1.4            
  Disposition of gross domestic product (GDP)  
        Percentage change over the previous year      
      (at current prices)       (at 1993-94 prices)  
Component 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000P 2000-2001Q 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000P 2000-2001Q
Total final consumption expenditure 17.3  10.0  17.3  11.8     6.8     7.4  3.8  7.4  6.5     2.9    
Govt. final consumption expenditure 13.1  18.2  24.3  15.9     11.2     4.5  11.1  12.9  12.0     6.5    
Pvt. final consumption expenditure 18.0  8.6  16.1  11.1     6.0     7.9  2.6  6.4  5.5     2.2    
Gross domestic capital formation, of which 4.8  11.8  5.6  18.7     6.8     -1.0  7.7  1.3  15.7     2.0    
Gross fixed capital formation 7.8  6.0  13.3  11.4     9.6     1.5  2.1  8.7  8.6     4.7    
Exports of goods and services 10.8  14.0  18.2  16.6     27.4                                                   
Less Imports of goods and services 11.1 14.5 21.9 18.2     15.2                                                     
Q : Quick Estimates        P : Provisional  
Source : Central Statistical Organisation.