Savings and investment
1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01
(P) (Q)
(As per cent of GDP at current market prices)               
Gross domestic savings 24.8   25.1   23.2   23.1   21.7   23.2   23.4  
Public 1.7   2.0   1.7   1.3   -1.0   -0.9   -1.7  
Private 23.2   23.1   21.5   21.8   22.7   24.1   25.1  
Household 19.7   18.2   17.0   17.6   18.9   20.3   20.9  
Financial 11.9   8.9   10.4   9.6   10.5   10.8   11.0  
Physical 7.8   9.3   6.7   8.0   8.4   9.6   9.9  
Private Corporate 3.5   4.9   4.5   4.2   3.7   3.7   4.2  
Gross domestic investment* 26.0   26.9   24.5   24.6   22.7   24.3   24.0  
Public 8.7   7.7   7.0   6.6   6.6   7.1   7.1  
Private 14.7   18.9   14.7   16.0   14.8   16.1   15.8  
Gross domestic investment* 26.0   26.9   24.5   24.6   22.7   24.3   24.0  
GFCF 21.9   24.4   22.8   21.7   21.5   21.6   21.9  
Change in stocks 1.4   2.2   -1.0   0.9   -0.1   1.7   1.0  
Saving-investment gap@ -1.2   -1.7   -1.3   -1.5   -1.0   -1.1   -0.6  
Public -7.0   -5.6   -5.4   -5.3   -7.6   -8.0   -8.7  
Private 8.5   4.2   6.8   5.8   7.9   7.9   9.2  
Note : (i) Gross domestic investment denotes gross domestic capital formation (GDCF).
(ii) Figures may not add up due to rounding off.
* : adjusted for errors and omissions;
@ : refers to the difference between the rates of savings and investment.
GFCF : Gross fixed capital formation.
P : Provisional estimates;   Q :   Quick estimates;
Source : Central Statistical Organisation.