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General Review
TABLE 1.1 Key Indicators |
1995-96 | 1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 | 1995-96 | 1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 | |
Absolute Values | Per cent change over previous period | |||||||
Gross National Product (Rs. thousand crore) At Current Prices At 1993-94 prices |
1089.8 913.8 |
1272.2 P 988.3 P |
1413.2 Q 1038.7 Q |
NA |
17.1 |
16.7 P |
11.1 Q |
NA |
GrossDomestic Product (Rs. thousand crore) At Current Prices At 1993-94 prices |
1103.2 |
1285.3 P |
1426.7 Q |
NA |
16.9 |
16.5 P |
11.0 Q |
NA |
Agricultural Production(1) | 160.7 | 175.4 | 164.9 | 171.3 P | -2.7 | 9.1 | -6.0 | 3.9 P |
Foodgrains Production (million Tonnes) |
180.4 | 199.4 | 192.4 | 195.3 P | -5.8 | 10.5 | -3.5 | 1.5 P |
Industrial Production(2) | 122.3 | 129.1 | 137.6 | 139.2# | 12.8 | 5.6 | 6.6 | 3.5# |
Electricity generated (Billion , KWH) |
379.9 | 394.5 | 420.6 | 329.4# | 8.4 | 3.8 | 6.6 | 6.6# |
Wholesale Price Index(3) | 299.5 | 320.1 | 337.1 | 353.9 * | 4.4 | 6.9 | 5.3 | 4.6* |
Consumer price index for Industrial workers(4) | 319.0 | 351.0 | 380.0 | 429.0@ | 8.9 | 10.0 | 8.3 | 15.3@ |
Money Supply(M3) (Rs.thousand crore) | 604.0 | 701.8 | 825.4 | 934.7(5) | 13.7 | 16.2 | 17.6 | 13.2(6) |
Import at current prices
(Rs.crore) (US $ million) |
122678 36678 |
138920 39133 |
151553 40779 |
132447# 31583# | 36.4 28.0 |
13.2 6.7 |
9.0 4.2 |
23.2# 7.1# |
Exports at current prices (Rs.crore) (US $ million) |
106353 31797 |
118817 33470 | 126286 33980 | 101850# 24287# | 28.6 20.7 |
11.7 5.3 |
6.3 1.5 |
11.7# -2.9# |
Foreign currency asserts(7) (Rs. crore) (US $million) |
58446 17044 | 80368 22367 | 102507 25975 | 116515(8) 27429(8) | -11.5 -18.1 |
37.5 31.2 |
27.5 16.1 |
13.7(8) 5.6(8) |
Exchange rate (RS/US $) (10) | 33.45 | 35.50 | 37.16 | 41.99(9) | -6.1 | -5.8 | -4.5 | -11.5(9) |
: Gross national product and Gross domestic product figures are at factor cost (new series
with base 1993-94). Q-Quick estimates; A-Advance estimates; P-Provisional; NA: Not available 1. Index of agricultural production (of 46 crops, including plantations) with base triennium ending 1981-82=100. 2. Index of Industrial Production 1993-94=100. 3. Index with base 1981-82=100, at the end of fiscal year. 4. Index with base 1982=100, at the end of fiscal year. 5. Outstanding as on January 15, 1999 for 1998-99 and end of financial year for previous years. 6. April 1, 1998 to January 15, 1999. 7. Outstanding at the end of fiscal year. 8. At the end of January, 1999. 9. April-January, 1998-99. 10. Per cent change indicates the rate of appreciation/depreciation (-) of the Rupee vis-á-vis the US dollar. * As on 30.1.1999 (Provisional). @ Dec. 1998. # April-December, 1998. |