Key Indicators
1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1999-2000
                           Absolute Values Per cent change over previous period
Gross national product
(Rs.thousand crore)
At current prices 1224.2 1371.2 P 1597.4 Q 1751.6 A 16.2 12 P 16.5 Q 9.7 A
At 1993-94 prices 953.7 1002.5 P 1070.7 Q 1134.3 A 7.8 5.1 P 6.8 Q 5.9 A
Gross domestic product
(Rs. thousand crore)
At current prices 1237.3 1384.4 P 1612.4 Q 1766.6 A 15.9 11.9 P 16.5 Q 9.6 A
At 1993-94 prices 964.4 1012.8 P 1081.8 Q 1145.4 A 7.5 5 P 6.8 Q 5.9 A
Agricultural production(1) 175.7 164.9 177.2 173.3 P 9.3 -6.1 7.4 -2.2 P
Foodgrains production
(million tonnes)
199.4 192.3 203 199.1 P 10.5 -3.6 5.6 -1.9 P
Industrial production(2) 129.1 137.6 143.1 148.2 # 5.6 6.6 4 6.2 #
Electricity generated
(Billion, KWH) 394.5 420.6 448.4 355.3 #P 3.8 6.6 6.5 7.4 #P
Wholesale price index(3) 320.1 337.1 353.3 364.9 * 6.9 5.3 4.8 2.9 *
Consumer price index for 351 380 414 431 @ 10 8.3 8.9 0.5 @
industrial workers
Money supply (M3)(5)
(Rs.thousand crore)
696 821.3 P 972.2 P 1088.7 (6)P 16.2 18 18.4 16.6


Imports at current prices
(Rs. crore) 138920 154176 176099 P 149087 # 13.2 11 14.2 P 12.6 #
(US $ million) 39133 41484 41858 P 34458 # 6.7 6 0.9 P 9 #
Exports at current prices
(Rs. crore) 118817 130101 141604 P 118638 # 11.7 9.5 8.8 P 16.5 #
(US $ million) 33470 35006 33659 P 27419 # 5.3 4.6 -3.9 P 12.9 #
Foreign currency assets (7)
(Rs. crore) 80368 102507 125412 139389 (8) 37.5 27.5 22.3 11.1 (8)
(US $ million) 22367 25975 29522 31941 (8) 31.2 16.1 13.7 8.2 (8)
Exchange rate
(Rs/US $) (10)
35.5 37.16 42.07 43.28 (9) -5.8 -4.5 -11.7 -2.8 (9)
Note :Gross national product and Gross domestic product figures are at factor cost
(new series with base 1993-94).
Q-Quick estimates;        A-Advance estimates; P-Provisional;
* As on 29.1.2000 (Provisional). @ December 1999. # April-December, 1999.
1. Index of agricultural production (of 46 crops, including plantations) with base triennium ending 1981-82=100.
2. Index of Industrial Production 1993-94=100.
3. Index with base 1981-82=100, at the end of fiscal year.
4. Index with base 1982=100, at the end of fiscal year.
5. Outstanding at the end of financial year.
6. As on January 14, 2000.
7. Outstanding at the end of fiscal year.
8 At the end of January, 2000.
9. April-January, 2000.
10.Per cent change indicates the rate of appreciation/depreciation (-) of the Rupee vis-á-vis the US dollar.