Government of India

Annual Financial Statement


                                                                          (In crores of Rupees)
Major Accounts Budget Revised Budget Head 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97
A. TAX REVENUE (a) Taxes on Income and Expenditure: 18288.06 20441.19 21136.68 25859.47 Corporation Tax 0020 13821.80 15500.00 16250.00 19600.00 Taxes on Income other than Corporation Tax 0021 3467.83 3766.19 3811.68 4819.47 Hotel Receipts Tax 0023 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 Interest Tax 0024 801.40 1000.00 900.00 1250.00 Other Taxes on Income and Expenditure 0028 196.87 175.00 175.00 190.00 (b) Taxes on Property and Capital Transactions: 121.37 101.00 101.00 121.00 Estate Duty 0031 1.52 1.00 1.00 1.00 Taxes on Wealth 0032 104.87 90.00 90.00 110.00 Gift Tax 0033 14.98 10.00 10.00 10.00 (c) Taxes on Commodities and Services: 65126.84 73285.00 77622.00 92544.78 Customs 0037 26789.10 29500.00 35352.00 44435.00 Union Excise Duties 0038 37347.24 42780.00 41000.00 46499.78 Service Tax 0044 406.79 600.00 800.00 970.00 Sales Tax 0040 19.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Taxes and Duties on Commodities and Services0045 563.94 405.00 470.00 640.00 (d) Taxes of Union Territories 201.06 200.91 206.51 212.21 Other Union Territories 201.06 200.91 206.51 212.21 TOTAL-TAX REVENUE 83737.33 94028.10 99066.19 118737.46 B. NON-TAX REVENUE (a) Fiscal Services 1114.75 1198.78 1193.15 1058.66 Currency, Coinage and Mint 0046 468.44 537.28 597.65 637.58 Other Fiscal Services 0047 646.31 661.50 595.50 421.08 (b) Interest Receipts, Dividends and Profits: 24100.72 23519.35 23656.39 27881.97 Interest Receipts 0049 15796.76 18419.48 18369.10 21392.87 Interest from State and Union Territory Govts 11183.36 13347.80 13131.07 15112.50 Interest from Railways 1336.19 1371.16 1360.16 1587.37 Interest from Telecommunications 269.76 265.00 279.19 272.00 Other Interest Receipts 3007.45 3435.52 3598.68 4421.00 Dividends and Profits 0050 8303.96 5099.87 5287.29 6489.10 (c) Other Non-Tax Revenue: (i) General Services: 3698.41 4028.43 4243.05 4292.46 Public Service Commission 0051 7.03 8.12 8.20 8.20 Police 0055 404.28 400.01 451.79 464.45 Supplies and Disposals 0057 29.66 26.72 29.50 29.80 Stationery and Printing 0058 34.96 38.50 40.00 44.20 Public Works 0059 38.19 52.00 46.78 45.90 Other Administrative Services 0070 292.93 231.78 278.90 279.01 Contributions and Recoveries towards Pension & Other Retirement benefits 0071 42.22 38.01 47.66 48.31 Miscellaneous General Services 0075 1927.23 2164.28 2343.78 2376.15 Defence Services 921.91 1069.01 996.44 996.44 Army 0076 366.28 386.81 386.81 386.81 Navy 0077 27.55 35.67 36.22 36.22 Air Force 0078 142.16 130.00 146.15 146.15 Ordnance Factories 0079 385.92 516.53 427.26 427.26 (ii) Social and Community Services: 553.50 693.03 685.21 783.68 Education, Sports, Arts and Culture 0202 4.33 12.00 3.42 3.49 Medical & Public Health 0210 24.69 43.98 46.69 47.60 Family Welfare 0211 3.81 10.30 4.68 6.50 Water Supply and Sanitation 0215 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Housing 0216 36.53 51.09 48.83 49.23 Information and Publicity 0220 22.55 23.77 29.55 29.65 Broadcasting 0221 458.96 549.00 549.00 644.00 Labour and Employment 0230 1.45 1.57 1.69 1.84 Social Security and Welfare 0235 1.14 1.32 1.35 1.37 Other Social Services 0250 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 (iii) Economic Services: 32172.61 35767.95 38629.39 44446.82 Crop Husbandry 0401 11.00 11.50 11.50 11.50 Animal Husbandry 0403 4.02 3.65 4.00 4.00 Dairy Development 0404 94.89 125.10 91.10 106.10 Fisheries 0405 1.50 1.08 1.43 1.43 Forestry & Wild Life 0406 58.39 55.00 16.75 45.38 Food Storage and Warehousing 0408 12.28 8.18 10.98 10.98 Other Agricultural Programmes 0435 6.37 5.02 5.33 5.52 Major & Medium Irrigation 0701 4.51 3.53 3.20 3.50 Minor Irrigation 0702 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.60 Power 0801 461.29 850.39 833.57 856.31 Petroleum 0802 1217.18 1316.22 1294.95 1361.22 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 0810 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 Village and Small Industries 0851 14.02 11.23 11.39 11.38 Industries 0852 138.25 220.17 326.40 329.38 Non-Ferrous Minning & Metallurgical Industries 0853 3.63 2.40 2.81 2.94 Other Industries 0875 92.62 100.00 105.00 120.00 Ports and Lighthouses 1051 57.87 56.25 53.39 59.77 Shipping 1052 7.99 8.30 8.23 8.95 Civil Aviation 1053 1.05 1.02 1.02 1.12 Roads and Bridges 1054 48.72 49.50 51.50 55.50 Other Communication Services 1275 8.81 7.10 1870.02 2520.01 Atomic Energy Research 1401 13.72 8.37 11.08 9.35 Other Scientific Research 1425 13.54 16.58 17.91 18.18 Tourism 1452 0.39 0.00 0.09 0.10 Foreign Trade and Export Promotion 1453 74.76 59.95 107.73 83.58 Civil Supplies 1456 0.13 0.09 0.09 0.09 Other General Economic Services 1475 326.28 285.25 271.44 339.62 Railway Revenue as per Railway Budget 20529.11 22370.05 22597.96 25273.29 Postal Receipts 1201 1170.41 1315.00 1315.00 1388.00 Telecommunication Receipts 1225 7799.12 8876.00 9605.00 11819.00 C. GRANTS-IN-AID AND CONTRIBUTIONS 1037.63 1153.66 1206.92 808.84 External Grant Assistance 1605 916.05 1085.20 1111.08 708.64 Aid Materials and Equipment 1606 121.58 68.46 95.84 100.20 Non-Tax Revenue of Union Territories 254.58 196.42 234.78 244.57 Other Union Territories 254.58 196.42 234.78 244.57 TOTAL- NON-TAX REVENUE 62932.20 66557.62 69848.89 79517.00 TOTAL-REVENUE RECEIPTS 146669.53 160585.72 168915.08 198254.46 Carried over (see page 13) Excess of Disbursements over Receipts (Revenue Deficit) 31028.81 35541.85 33330.38 31474.90 TOTAL: 177698.34 196127.57 202245.46 229729.36