(In crores of Rupees)
Major Accounts Budget Revised Budget Head 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97
A. GENERAL SERVICES 73632.45 84660.89 87132.71 99481.31 (a) Organs of State 793.76 820.93 885.76 1074.58 Parliament 2011 61.12 74.02 81.93 73.82 President, Vice President,etc. 2012 4.83 5.23 5.75 6.87 Council of Ministers 2013 50.43 50.03 51.96 57.56 Administration of Justice 2014 23.79 25.66 45.87 35.86 Elections 2015 286.80 284.99 285.25 475.47 Audit 2016 366.79 381.00 415.00 425.00 (b) Fiscal Services 2040.47 2308.50 2451.57 2283.08 (i) Tax Collection 919.86 1023.06 1095.73 1197.68 Collection of Taxes on Income and Expenditure 2020 355.08 371.33 407.83 437.62 Collection of Estate Duty, Taxes on Wealth and Gift Tax 2031 33.19 34.20 37.62 40.36 Customs 2037 256.75 322.91 335.30 392.24 Union Excise Duties 2038 267.35 282.47 301.88 310.20 Other Taxes and Duties on Commodities and Services 2045 7.49 12.15 13.10 17.26 (ii) Other Fiscal Services 1120.61 1285.44 1355.84 1085.40 Currency, Coinage and Mint 2046 279.73 521.51 503.39 557.73 Other Fiscal Services 2047 840.88 763.93 852.45 527.67 (c) Interest Payment and Servicing of Debt 44049.03 52000.00 52000.00 60000.00 Interest Payments 2049 44049.03 52000.00 52000.00 60000.00 (d) Administrative Services 4213.57 4446.14 4930.13 9552.48 Public Service Commission 2051 27.08 29.19 33.56 35.52 Secretariat-General Services 2052 346.01 374.26 402.61 456.72 Police 2055 2668.57 2884.28 3150.19 3688.91 Jails 2056 0.05 0.05 0.39 1.10 Supplies and Disposals 2057 19.55 21.19 21.30 21.30 Stationery and Printing 2058 78.51 74.84 59.00 80.75 Public Works 2059 158.92 174.20 191.51 205.41 External Affairs 2061 722.55 708.25 870.38 850.24 Other Administrative Services 2070 192.33 179.88 201.19 4212.53 (e) Pensions and Miscellaneous General Services 5187.70 5870.80 7033.69 6720.14 Pensions and other Retirement Benefits 2071 3643.12 3850.51 4294.64 4508.80 Miscellaneous General Services 2075 1544.58 2020.29 2739.05 2211.34 (f) Defence Services 17347.92 19214.52 19831.56 19851.03 Defence Services-Army 2076 11646.06 12819.62 13319.33 13338.80 Defence Services-Navy 2077 1472.93 1570.39 1870.46 1870.46 Defence Services-Air Force 2078 3837.63 4264.91 4057.99 4057.99 Defence Services-Ordnance Factories 2079 391.30 559.60 583.78 583.78 B. SOCIAL SERVICES 5146.54 5906.18 8105.99 9979.51 General Education 2202 1509.31 1471.17 2455.45 3215.34 Technical Education 2203 456.45 463.66 503.07 483.17 Sports and Youth Services 2204 93.28 96.15 97.25 92.00 Art and Culture 2205 171.13 187.84 203.07 195.40 Medical and Public Health 2210 690.52 720.56 731.31 840.83 Family Welfare 2211 91.73 175.08 159.71 214.22 Water Supply and Sanitation 2215 84.25 398.09 363.24 363.26 Housing 2216 147.12 160.21 558.29 1149.41 Urban Development 2217 15.37 36.62 14.81 16.89 Information and Publicity 2220 104.17 110.06 121.96 129.06 Broadcasting 2221 807.47 914.70 935.64 1050.35 Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward classes 2225 64.38 66.61 72.41 61.84 Labour & Employment 2230 414.23 507.37 572.82 588.42 Social Security and Welfare 2235 446.61 543.10 1031.53 1442.68 Nutrition 2236 3.97 5.52 5.69 5.90 Relief on account of Natural Calamities 2245 0.00 225.00 75.00 Other Social Services 2250 4.83 2.52 2.74 2.99 Secretariat-Social Services 2251 41.72 46.92 52.00 52.75 C. ECONOMIC SERVICES 61495.00 63162.92 66001.86 74303.39 (a) Agriculture and Allied Activities 8576.39 8910.04 9516.69 11365.18 Crop Husbandry 2401 1956.90 2423.41 2789.36 4219.26 Soil and Water Conservation 2402 16.91 20.41 19.87 19.77 Animal Husbandry 2403 20.54 51.87 51.46 60.97 Dairy Development 2404 142.82 154.73 164.99 156.75 Fisheries 2405 34.01 42.31 40.81 39.92 Forestry and Wild Life 2406 124.01 93.22 102.58 124.21 Plantations 2407 89.67 107.87 104.07 108.77 Food, Storage and Warehousing 2408 5307.20 5409.62 5660.07 6045.23 Agricultural Research and Education 2415 494.43 548.07 535.05 532.63 Agricultural Financial Institutions 2416 4.46 12.67 11.53 12.39 Co-operation 2425 33.05 29.71 23.92 28.16 Other Agricultural Programmes 2435 352.39 16.15 12.98 17.12 (b) Rural Development 4156.10 5700.37 5361.28 4842.18 Special Programmes for Rural Development 2501 582.33 911.38 911.38 899.76 Rural Employment 2505 3504.96 4680.34 4173.22 3476.03 Land Reforms 2506 0.25 1.73 1.73 1.11 Other Rural Development Programmes 2515 68.56 106.92 274.95 465.28 (c) Special Areas Programmes 791.62 809.89 797.99 811.46 North Eastern Areas 2552 16.62 19.89 25.99 21.46 MPs Local Area Development Scheme 2553 775.00 790.00 772.00 790.00 (d) Irrigation and Flood Control 135.33 176.88 158.96 220.23 Major and Medium Irrigation 2701 55.79 61.62 64.69 70.62 Minor Irrigation 2702 51.11 72.60 54.27 90.62 Command Areas Development 2705 1.46 2.55 3.05 3.50 Flood Control & Drainage 2711 26.97 40.11 36.95 55.49 (e) Energy 1075.32 1406.51 1337.18 1411.27 Power 2801 851.76 1082.73 1085.22 1090.93 Petroleum 2802 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Coal and Lignite 2803 86.49 148.37 126.55 154.47 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 2810 137.07 175.41 125.41 165.87 (f) Industry and Minerals 5559.12 5930.50 6587.46 7467.08 Village and Small Industries 2851 555.54 843.78 816.72 826.45 Industries 2852 4631.98 4690.39 5330.24 6181.67 Non-ferrous Mining and Metallurgical Industries 2853 145.70 163.13 164.41 206.76 Other Industries 2875 51.20 68.05 71.61 86.55 Other outlays on Industries and Minerals 2885 174.70 165.15 204.48 165.65 (g) Transport 21710.96 23340.69 23713.14 26505.01 Expenditure as per Railway Budget 20529.11 22370.05 22597.96 25273.29 Ports & Light Houses 3051 168.88 111.06 164.82 147.24 Shipping 3052 88.39 49.86 38.75 60.17 Civil Aviation 3053 69.31 40.93 67.44 78.33 Roads and Bridges 3054 407.39 330.45 400.28 440.96 Road Transport 3055 8.94 6.50 4.50 5.50 Inland Water Transport 3056 7.55 8.15 8.23 18.28 Other Transport Services 3075 431.39 423.69 431.16 481.24 (h) Communications 9606.21 10837.80 11672.65 14023.16 Postal Services 3201 1522.25 1619.13 1739.62 1962.29 Telecommunications 7799.12 8876.00 9605.00 11819.00 Telecommunication Services 3225 3863.47 4744.00 4654.11 6606.00 Dividends to General revenues 3230 269.76 265.00 279.19 272.00 Appropriations from Telecommunication Surplus 3231 3665.89 3867.00 4671.70 4941.00 Satellite Systems 3252 247.82 330.48 282.56 225.99 Other Communication Services 3275 37.02 12.19 45.47 15.88 (i) Science Technology and Environment 1719.85 1876.43 1921.88 2123.95 Atomic Energy Research 3401 348.86 363.89 380.79 386.52 Space Research 3402 400.75 499.08 521.39 587.67 Oceanographic Research 3403 52.37 55.87 49.50 59.00 Other Scientific Research 3425 752.24 809.85 833.89 892.59 Ecology and Environment 3435 165.63 147.74 136.31 198.17 (j) General Economic Services 8164.10 4173.81 4934.63 5533.87 Secretariat-Economic Services 3451 195.07 219.40 230.42 249.05 Tourism 3452 92.55 92.19 103.67 95.70 Foreign Trade and Export Promotion 3453 782.64 468.41 457.88 664.70 Census, Surveys and Statistics 3454 96.47 113.57 116.77 120.67 Meteorology 3455 61.00 66.06 68.90 72.31 Civil Supplies 3456 26.62 3.43 133.47 83.52 General Financial and Trading Institutions 3465 2.64 7.75 8.15 2.25 International Financial Institutions 3466 0.55 0.55 0.66 0.61 Other General Economic Services 3475 6906.56 3202.45 3814.71 4245.06 D-GRANTS-IN-AID AND CONTRIBUTIONS 36765.69 41701.11 40238.83 45169.94 Grants in aid to State Governments 3601 20047.24 21543.57 21681.82 23130.59 Grants in aid to Union Territory Governments 3602 249.66 297.84 305.00 292.85 Payment of States' share of Union Excise Duties 3603 16282.91 19654.58 17977.88 21427.36 Technical and Economic Cooperation