(In crores of Rupees)
Major Accounts Budget Revised Budget Head 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 A. CAPITAL ACCOUNT OF GENERAL SERVICES 7251.34 8388.18 9033.84 10086.97 Currency, Coinage and Mint 4046 2.57 200.28 166.16 192.92 Other Fiscal Services 4047 156.71 186.85 182.81 218.81 Police 4055 0.00 415.41 422.52 507.14 Sationery and Printing 4058 1.51 5.50 4.75 4.50 Public Works 4059 286.70 233.65 221.72 227.52 Other Administrative Services 4070 1.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous General Services 4075 -17.39 -8.00 -8.00 -7.80 Defence Services 4076 6819.42 7354.49 8043.88 8943.88 B. CAPITAL ACCOUNT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 726.31 549.40 557.29 641.34 Education, Sports, Art and Culture 4202 224.53 11.60 14.22 10.50 Medical and Public Health 4210 67.39 13.73 13.20 39.76 Family Welfare 4211 1.19 0.10 0.11 0.75 Water Supply and Sanitation 4215 11.00 12.00 8.50 12.00 Housing 4216 185.56 207.18 236.98 281.99 Urban Development 4217 28.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 Information and Publicity 4220 10.77 17.86 12.68 11.75 Broadcasting 4221 13.92 40.58 38.23 39.46 Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes 4225 180.67 183.76 184.75 185.76 Social Security and Walfare 4235 0.00 1.03 0.03 1.02 Other Social Services 4250 3.28 16.56 3.59 13.35 C. CAPITAL ACCOUNT OF ECONOMIC SERVICES 11044.92 6932.42 8228.34 4732.13 (a) Capital Account of Agriculture and allied activities 283.28 447.59 375.91 345.11 Crop Husbandry 4401 5.69 12.53 13.80 16.53 Soil and Water Conservation 4402 0.06 1.46 1.35 1.20 Animal Husbandry 4403 1.52 0.20 2.36 0.10 Dairy Development 4404 1.71 1.37 1.60 1.00 Fisheries 4405 2.43 7.17 7.17 5.99 Forestry and Wild Life 4406 0.84 1.35 0.93 1.60 Food, Storage and Warehousing 4408 10.98 19.10 19.10 18.66 Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions 4416 260.00 404.38 329.57 300.00 Co-operation 4425 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 Other Agricultural Programmes 4435 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (b) Capital Account of Rural Development 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Rural Development Programmes 4515 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (c) Capital Account of Special Areas Programmes 186.03 196.40 221.05 234.24 North Eastern Areas 4552 186.03 196.40 221.05 234.24 (d) Capital account of Irrigation and Flood Control 7.54 11.84 11.85 22.49 Major and Medium Irrigation 4701 3.11 3.20 3.21 11.70 Minor Irrigation 4702 3.44 3.50 3.50 6.32 Flood Control Projects 4711 0.99 5.14 5.14 4.47 (e) Capital Account of Energy 2268.12 1322.20 2194.36 985.94 Power Projects 4801 1513.12 1293.85 1135.44 957.84 Petroleum 4802 529.33 4.29 1034.86 0.00 Coal and Lignite 4803 211.52 0.01 0.01 0.02 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 4810 14.15 24.05 24.05 28.08 (f) Capital Account of Industry and Minerals 804.04 806.28 656.56 547.83 Village and Small Industries 4851 17.67 20.92 20.67 25.05 Iron & Steel Industries 4852 0.97 3.97 3.97 1.13 Non-ferrous Mining & Metallurgical Industries 4853 26.49 9.73 9.73 4.89 Cement and Non-metallic Mineral Industries 4854 12.75 62.25 26.27 38.02 Fertilizer Industries 4855 83.52 54.50 57.50 42.51 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries 4857 3.63 4.32 4.32 6.00 Engineering Industries 4858 37.95 50.90 73.84 49.23 Telecommunication and Electronic Industries 4859 23.42 26.66 17.01 25.49 Consumer Industries 4860 31.25 17.74 35.24 7.23 Atomic Energy Industries 4861 468.53 487.15 427.98 425.76 Other Industries 4875 1.07 5.86 3.00 4.36 Industries and Minerals 4885 96.79 62.28 -22.97 -81.84 (g) Capital Account of Transport 2139.97 2107.62 2042.76 2468.74 Railways 5002 1145.22 1150.00 1150.00 1269.00 Capital Outlay on Indian Railways-Strategic Lines 5003 -0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ports & Light Houses 5051 21.93 21.30 18.30 22.13 Shipping 5052 41.34 41.00 4.17 43.09 Civil Aviation 5053 8.73 31.15 32.47 30.14 Roads and Bridges 5054 902.44 844.89 819.84 1084.10 Inland Water Transport 5056 5.50 6.30 5.00 6.30 Other Transport Services 5075 15.25 12.98 12.98 13.98 (h) Capital Account of Communications 73.90 69.64 71.04 64.96 Postal Services 5201 67.96 63.87 62.88 59.21 Telecommunication Services 5225 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Satellite system 5252 5.94 5.77 8.16 5.75 (i) Capital Account of Science, Technology and Environment 220.73 210.41 229.14 234.20 Atomic Energy Research 5401 96.98 109.53 105.93 110.10 Space Research 5402 102.44 73.84 98.77 96.34 Oceanographic Research 5403 5.24 9.25 7.55 6.75 Other Scientific and Environmental Research 5425 16.07 17.79 16.89 21.01 (j) Capital Account of General Economic Services 5061.31 1760.44 2425.67 -171.38 Tourism 5452 15.40 16.35 15.09 13.00 Foreign Trade and Export Promotion 5453 72.27 74.50 62.50 24.50 Meteorology 5455 30.87 32.19 27.64 31.01 Investments in General Financial and Trading Institutions 5465 4864.77 852.00 -655.71 -844.86 Investments in International Financial Institutions 5466 45.06 754.16 2946.72 553.92 Other General Economic Services 5475 32.94 31.24 29.43 51.05 Disbursements of Union Territories 243.63 252.30 236.91 241.38 Other Union Territories 243.63 252.30 236.91 241.38 TOTAL-CAPITAL EXPENDITURE OUTSIDE THE REVENUE ACCOUNT 19266.20 16122.30 18056.38 15701.82 PUBLIC DEBT Internal Debt of Central Goverment 6001 Market Loans 924.06 5555.58 1509.65 975.48 91 Days Treasury Bills 109603.70 160000.00 160000.00 180000.00 Others 17273.49 13456.55 13033.25 13491.69 Total-Internal Debt of Central Goverment 127801.25 179012.13 174542.90 194467.17 External Debt 6002 5469.37 5916.15 6639.65 7446.57 TOTAL-PUBLIC DEBT 133270.62 184928.28 181182.55 201913.74 LOANS AND ADVANCES A. LOANS FOR SOCIAL SERVICES 49.30 11.57 25.81 31.21 Education, Sports, Art and Culture 6202 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Medical and Public Health 6210 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Family Welfare 6211 1.07 0.05 0.05 0.60 Water Supply and Sanitation 6215 19.50 2.50 15.00 25.00 Housing 6216 3.23 7.50 7.50 5.00 Information and Publicity 6220 1.00 1.00 2.75 0.10 Social Security and Welfare 6235 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 B. LOANS FOR ECONOMIC SERVICES 4802.65 4660.77 4953.80 4993.88 (a) Loans For Agriculture and allied activities 612.40 578.37 498.50 431.58 Crop Husbandry 6401 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 Dairy Development 6404 115.47 194.00 150.00 110.00 Plantations 6407 13.29 12.00 13.53 11.50 Loans for Food Storage and Warehousing 6408 2.20 6.50 6.50 8.00 Agricultural Financial Institutions 6416 193.68 68.86 41.20 52.00 Co-operation 6425 287.76 297.00 287.26 250.07 (b) Loans for Special Area Programme 6.89 1.50 1.00 4.00 Major and Medium Irrigation 6701 6.89 1.00 1.00 4.00 Command Area Development 6705 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 (c) Loans for Energy 1818.26 2428.17 2196.35 2449.34 Power Projects 6801 1626.56 2011.49 1762.77 2017.10 Petroleum 6802 1.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 Coal and Lignite 6803 190.64 416.68 381.85 345.00 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 6810 0.00 0.00 51.73 87.24 (d) Loans for Industry & Minerals 2228.99 1405.44 2053.10 1861.36 Village and Small Industries 6851 351.61 295.06 295.06 286.40 Iron and Steel Industies 6852 339.08 285.55 237.53 19.07 Non-ferrous Mining & Metallurgical Industries 6853 20.00 19.25 35.90 30.50 Cement and Non-metallic Mineral Industries 6854 12.50 1.00 5.00 8.83 Fertilizer Industries 6855 241.50 190.50 566.50 761.24 Chemicals Industries 6857 39.92 19.92 36.18 32.88 Engineering Industries 6858 167.84 116.11 194.54 143.35 Telecommunication and Electronic Industries 6859 3.67 5.27 6.22 4.75 Consumer Industries 6860 248.10 44.04 399.96 389.16 Other Industries 6875 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 Other Industries and Minerals 6885 804.36 428.33 275.80 184.77 (e) Loans for Transport 115.47 215.90 174.05 244.46 Ports and Light Houses 7051 39.87 123.65 52.59 106.60 Shipping 7052 27.35 27.99 26.00 31.50 Civil Aviation 7053 5.50 21.94 16.94 23.04 Road Transport 7055 27.25 30.00 65.50 69.00 Inland Water Transport 7056 15.50 12.30 13.00 14.30 Other Transport Services 7075 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 (f) Loans for Communications 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Communication services 7275 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (g) Loans for Science, Technology and Environment 0.31 0.28 0.28 1.75 Other Scientific Research 7425 0.31 0.28 0.28 1.75 (h) Loans for General Economic Services 20.33 31.11 30.52 1.39 Tourism 7452 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 Loans for Foreign Trade Export Promotion 7453 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 Other General Economic Services 7475 20.28 31.00 30.42 1.29 C. OTHER LOANS 19038.99 17677.95 21018.92 23895.57 Loans and Advances to State Governments 7601 18234.10 16731.22 19745.57 22202.01 Loans and Advances to Union Territory Governments 7602 573.31 549.67 871.79 1233.80 Advances to Foreign Governments 7605 31.72 100.03 105.03 160.48 Loans to Government Servants etc. 7610 197.24 294.00 294.00 296.50 Miscellaneous Loans 7615 2.62 3.03 2.53 2.78 Loans Of Union territories 7.11 5.58 4.74 2.41 Other Union Territories 7.11 5.58 4.74 2.41 TOTAL-LOANS AND ADVANCES 23898.05 22355.87 26003.27 28923.07 TOTAL-CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 176434.87 223406.45 225242.20 246538.63 TOTAL-CONSOLIDATED FUND OF INDIA-DISBURSEMENTS 354133.21 419534.02 427487.66 476267.99