Government of India

Annual Financial Statement


                                                                          (In crores of Rupees)
Major Accounts Budget Revised Budget Head 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97
A. SMALL SAVINGS, PROVIDENT FUNDS ETC. 58644.97 52537.82 58969.17 59140.28 (a) Small Savings 34437.93 26335.00 32343.00 33016.00 (b) Provident Funds: 8141.34 9370.00 9675.00 10430.00 (i) State Provident Funds 5113.34 5750.00 5785.00 6500.00 (ii) Public Provident Funds 3028.00 3620.00 3890.00 3930.00 (c) Other Accounts: 16065.70 16832.82 16951.17 15694.28 (i) Postal Insurance and Life Annuity Fund. 359.31 423.00 435.00 524.00 (ii) Other Items 15706.39 16409.82 16516.17 15170.28 B. RESERVE FUNDS 11355.86 10835.69 12517.21 13204.51 (a) Reserve Funds bearing Interest 10343.39 10208.85 11520.34 12426.80 (i) Railway Funds 6553.68 6212.37 6735.15 7374.78 (ii) Telecommunication Funds 3724.47 3927.78 4707.72 4963.32 (iii) Other Reserve Funds 65.24 68.70 77.47 88.70 (b) Reserve Funds not bearing interest 1012.47 626.84 996.87 777.71 (i) Central Road Fund 58.45 10.85 15.06 15.06 (ii) National Highways Permanent Bridges Fee Fund 40.00 43.00 44.00 45.00 (iii) Mines Welfare Funds 16.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 (iv) Sugar Development Fund 232.96 210.00 185.00 185.00 (v) Railway Safety Works Fund 2.48 2.48 2.40 2.40 (vi) Other Reserve Funds 662.04 360.51 750.41 530.25 C. DEPOSITS AND ADVANCES 34125.00 18956.01 20499.73 18637.17 (a) Deposits bearing interest: 5762.28 4328.31 4923.16 3648.56 (i) National Defence Fund 6.31 6.10 5.52 5.34 (ii) Family Pension-cum-Life Assurance Fund, etc. 1258.41 1060.05 1035.55 1035.55 (iii) Other Deposits 4497.56 3262.16 3882.09 2607.67 (b) Deposits not bearing Interest: 19376.38 14627.70 15576.57 14988.61 (i) Civil Deposits 9914.01 10667.96 11606.97 11386.47 (ii) Deposits of Local Funds 22.64 14.00 20.00 14.00 (iii) Other Deposits 9439.73 3945.74 3949.60 3588.14 (c) Advances 8986.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 D. SUSPENSE AND MISCELLANEOUS: 1585.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 Suspense Accounts (Net) 229.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cheques and Bills (Net) 1333.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 Departmental Balances (Net) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash Balance Investment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Others 22.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 E. REMITTANCES: 355.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 (i) Money Orders 3.20 (ii) Other Remittances 351.84 TOTAL - PUBLIC ACCOUNT RECEIPTS 106066.27 82329.52 91986.11 90981.96 GRAND TOTAL - (I + II + III) 422457.01 479724.74 490647.81 536095.12 CASH BALANCE 2402.24 52.54 1173.52 50.25 TOTAL 424859.25 479777.28 491821.33 536145.37 STATEMENT III - PUBLIC ACCOUNT OF INDIA -DISBURSEMENTS A. SMALL SAVINGS, PROVIDENT FUNDS ETC. 26776.24 32237.97 33620.17 32721.76 (a) Small Savings 20012.21 20815.00 21233.00 20662.00 (b) Provident Funds: 4007.91 4927.00 5165.00 6580.00 (i) State Provident Funds 3110.62 3750.00 3635.00 4250.00 (ii) Public Provident Funds 897.29 1177.00 1530.00 2330.00 (c) Other Accounts: 2756.12 6495.97 7222.17 5479.76 (i) Postal Insurance and Life Annuity Fund. 101.71 99.00 100.00 113.00 (ii) Other Items 2654.41 6396.97 7122.17 5366.76 B. RESERVE FUNDS 9842.15 10321.04 12842.51 11460.17 (a) Reserve Funds bearing Interest 8858.29 9907.00 11757.40 11056.45 (i) Railway Funds 5246.09 6025.00 6458.00 6416.00 (ii) Telecommunication Funds 3612.20 3867.00 5285.00 4616.00 (iii) Other Reserve Funds 0.00 15.00 14.40 24.45 (b) Reserve Funds not bearing interest 983.86 414.04 1085.11 403.72 (i) Central Road Fund 51.74 10.79 15.00 15.00 (ii) National Highways Permanent Bridges Fee Fund 70.00 72.00 74.00 83.00 (iii) Mines Welfare Funds 10.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 (iv) Sugar Development Fund 69.17 150.00 150.00 150.00 (v) Railway Safety Works Fund 1.40 6.50 6.00 6.00 (vi) Other Reserve Funds 780.94 174.75 840.11 149.72 C. DEPOSITS AND ADVANCES 31379.54 18088.88 16821.46 16392.47 (a) Deposits bearing interest: 3729.50 3406.93 4043.08 2866.00 (i) National Defence Fund 2.43 2.42 3.66 3.66 (ii) Family Pension-cum- Life Assurance Fund, etc. 0.00 274.10 274.10 274.20 (iii) Other Deposits 3727.07 3130.41 3765.32 2588.14 (b) Deposits not bearing Interest: 18487.31 14681.95 12778.38 13526.47 (i) Civil Deposits 9753.07 10676.45 8775.54 9211.53 (ii) Deposits of Local Funds 22.97 14.00 20.00 14.00 (iii) Other Deposits 8711.27 3991.50 3982.84 4300.94 (c) Advances 9162.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 D. SUSPENSE AND MISCELLANEOUS: 81.20 -456.15 999.28 -747.25 Suspense Accounts (Net) 0.00 -456.15 999.28 -747.25 Cheques and Bills (Net) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Departmental Balances (Net) 81.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash Balance Investment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E. REMITTANCES: 1473.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 (i) Money Orders 3.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 (ii) Other Remittances 1470.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL - PUBLIC ACCOUNT DISBURSEMENTS 69552.52 60191.74 64283.42 59827.15 GRAND TOTAL - (I + II + III) 423685.73 479725.76 491771.08 536095.14 CASH BALANCE 1173.52 51.52 50.25 50.23 TOTAL 424859.25 479777.28 491821.33 536145.37