Government of India

Budget At A Glance



(In Crore of Rupees)
1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget EstimatesEstimatesEstimates
REVENUE RECEIPTS 1. TAX REVENUE Gross Tax Revenue 103762 110354 132145 Corporation Tax 15500 16250 19600 Income Tax 13500 15100 17843 Interest Tax 1000 900 1250 Expenditure-tax Act,1987 175 175 190 Wealth Tax 90 90 110 Gift Tax 10 10 10 Customs 29500 35352 44435 Union Excise Duties 42780 41000 46884 Service Tax 600 800 970 Other Taxes and Duties 406 471 641 Taxes of Union Territories 201 206 212 Less States' Share 29388 29266 34835 Income Tax 9734 11288 13024 Union Excise Duties 19654 17978 21811 NET TAX REVENUE 74374 81088 97310 2. NON-TAX REVENUE Interest Receipts 18419 18369 21393 Dividends and Profits 2946 3229 4051 External grants 1154 1207 809 Other Non-Tax Revenue 3698 6063 6537 Receipts of Union Territories 196 235 245 Total-Non-Tax Revenue 26413 29103 33035 Total Revenue Receipts 100787 110191 130345 3. CAPITAL RECEIPTS @ Recoveries of Loans 6730 7411 7048 Market Borrowings 3700 3700 3700 Other Short, medium & long 23387 23800 21798 term loans Gold Bonds, 1998 65 59 0 External Assistance 4456 1969 2461 Disinvestment of equity holding in public sector enterprises 7000 357 5000 Issue of bonus shares ? 0 1035 1 Small Savings, PPF and Deposit Scheme for Retiring Government Emp 8000 13500 14000 State Provident Funds 2000 2150 2250 Special Deposits 8964 8563 9548 Others 2062 2669 1931 Total-Capital Receipts 66364 65213 67737 TOTAL RECEIPTS 167151 175404 198082 1. excludes recoveries of short-term loans and advances from States and loans to Government servants, etc. 1132 1132 1135 2. excludes receipts offset by matching expenditure (Details in Annexure 12 to Receipts Budget, 1996-97) 3. Of which Share of States & UTs 7000 10112 11000 Net to Centre 1000 3388 3000 @ The receipts (other than recoveries of loans) are net receipts; gross receipts minus repayments # These include Zero Coupon Bonds and loans in conversion of maturing Treasury Bills, 364 days Treasury Bills etc.