(In crores of rupees)
1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget EstimatesEstimatesEstimates
Budget Support 28994 28830 32713 Internal and Extra budgetary resources 49855 45764 54373 of Public Enterprises, etc. Total - Central Plan Outlay 78849 74594 87086
Agriculture 3022 2708 2831 Rural Development 6540 6095 5394 Irrigation and flood control 288 249 1248 Energy 23795 20268 24270 Industry and Minerals 11598 10817 11826 Transport 14088 11963 15972 Communications 8318 9776 9753 Science, Technology & Environment 1616 1534 1686 Social Services* 8799 9390 10579 Others 785 752 1401 TOTAL 78849 74594 87086
* Provisions for Indira Awas Yojna and National Social Assistance Programme under Social Service Sector, are included in Rural Development Sector.