(In crores of Rupees)
1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget EstimateEstimateEstimates
Agriculture & Cooperation 1490 1325 1471 Agricultural Research and Education 310 290 289 Animal Husbandry and Dairying 344 299 260 Chemicals and Petrochemicals 1069 1184 1337 Fertilizers 1974 1959 2670 Civil Aviation 3811 2054 4139 Tourism 103 116 130 Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and 20 50 20 Public Distribution Coal 3386 1974 3294 Commerce 247 224 307 Supply 4 6 4 Postal Services 85 85 85 Telecommunication Services 8377 9834 9879 Environment and Forests 370 336 469 Economic Affairs 1100 889 1200 Expenditure 2 2 2 Reveune 0 1 1 Food 45 50 60 Food Processing Industries 45 45 45 Health 647 626 792 Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy 23 23 23 Family Welfare 1581 1506 1535 Home Affairs 77 76 105 Education 1825 2504 3388 Youth Affairs and Sports 95 95 95 Culture 122 134 122 Women and Child Development 730 821 847 Industrial Development and Industrial 430 262 380 Policy and Promotion Heavy Industry 396 390 390 Small Scale Industries & Agro and Rural 607 585 607 Industries Information, Films and Publicity 495 497 533 Labour 136 79 188 Law, Justice and Company Affairs 50 60 50 Mines 474 431 781 Non-Conventional Energy Sources 397 398 570 Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 8 8 8 Petroleum and Natural Gas 13174 11745 13526 Planning 120 100 129 Statistics 17 12 14 Power 6924 6438 6790 Rural Development 1263 1814 2195 Rural Employment and Poverty Alleviation 6437 6434 6437 Wastelands Development 60 60 60 Science and Technology 240 235 255 Scientific and Industrial Research 186 183 186 Biotechnology 109 82 90 Steel 3870 3650 3618 Surface Transport 2603 2424 3731 Textiles 447 273 286 Urban Affairs and Employment 1080 1090 1033 Water Resources 302 264 1267 Welfare 940 940 940 Atomic Energy 1530 1160 1338 Electronics 176 178 183 Ocean Development 52 44 52 Space 750 750 750 Railways 7694 7500 8130 GRAND TOTAL 78849 74594 87086