Government of India

Budget Speech

Budget Estimates

55. I shall now briefly go over the Budget estimates.

56. As Hon'ble Members are aware details of the revised estimates for 1995-96 were presented along with the interim Budget in February 1996. I am, therefore, not going over those estimates again. The figures that are given below are the budget estimates for 1996-97 and for plan expenditure I shall compare them with the budget estimates for 1995-96.

57. For 1996-97, the total expenditure is estimated at Rs.204,698 crore. Of this, Rs.54,685 crore is gross budgetary support for the Central Plan and assistance to State and UT plans, representing a sharp increase of 13% over Rs.48,500 crore. Non-plan expenditure is placed at Rs.150,013 crore.

58. Central assistance for State and UT plans is being stepped up from Rs.19,506 crore to Rs.21,972 crore. The increase will provide funds to the States for implementing the seven Basic Minimum Services schemes to which I have referred earlier.

59. Gross budgetary support for the Central Plan is being enhanced from Rs.28,994 crore to Rs.32,713 crore.

60. All anti-poverty programmes will be reviewed with a view to strengthening them and providing them with more funds. The plan allocation for the Department of Rural Development has been increased from Rs.1,263 crore to Rs.2,195 crore. The plan allocation for the Department of Rural Employment and Poverty Alleviation is Rs.6,437 crore.

61. The plan allocation for the Department of Fertilizers has been increased from Rs.205 crore to Rs.373 crore in order to increase domestic production.

62. For tapping the potential of non-conventional energy sources, the plan allocation for the Ministry of Non- Conventional Energy is being raised by Rs.87 crore to Rs.334 crore.

63. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I hope Hon'ble Members will forgive the Finance Minister if he is partial to the cause of exports. After all, I cut my teeth in economic administration in the Ministry of Commerce. Promotion of exports must remain high on our agenda. Hence, I propose to provide a sum of Rs.50 crore for the corpus of the recently established India Brand Equity Fund. I would appeal to industry and trade to contribute at least an equal amount in this financial year itself. A sum of Rs.25 crore has been provided for critical balancing infrastructure. Non-plan provision for export promotion and market development has been enhanced from Rs.315 crore to Rs.460 crore. Deemed exporters will now get refund of terminal excise duty in quick time.

64. The plan allocation for the Department of Health has been stepped up from Rs.647 crore to Rs.792 crore.

65. The plan allocation for the Department of Education has been increased substantially from Rs.1,825 crore to Rs.3,388 crore. This will help in implementation of the District Primary Education Programme and the mid-day meal scheme.

66. This government is committed to safeguard the interests of women and children by expanding the social safety nets. The annual plan allocation for the Department of Women & Child Development is being stepped up from Rs.730 crore to Rs.847 crore. The allocation for the Integrated Child Development Scheme is being increased from Rs.588 crore to Rs.682 crore.

67. The plan allocation for the Ministry of Labour has been increased from Rs.136 crore to Rs.188 crore. Enhanced provisions have been made for schemes relating to improvement in the working conditions and for training of workers.

68. In the Railway Budget presented a few days ago, government have announced an outlay of Rs.8,130 crore in the Railway plan for the current year with a budgetary support of Rs.1,269 crore. Based on the ability of the Railways to meet their stipulated targets on internal resource generation, I will consider increase in the budgetary support during the course of the year for this crucial sector.

69. The plan allocation for the Ministry of Surface Transport has been increased by Rs.240 crore to Rs.1,322 crore, mainly to provide enhanced support for national highways. Schemes are on the anvil to make Kochi and Tuticorin important trans- shipment ports for container traffic.

70. There are persistent demands from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep for more flexible norms for determining the cost for funding and implementing projects. Having regard to their special needs, I have agreed to these demands. We will also ensure that the Island Development Authority is activated to accelerate development in these strategic islands.

71. I am happy to inform Hon'ble Members that the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) is being continued in the current year. Adequate funds are being made available for this scheme.

72. The total non-plan expenditure in 1996-97 is placed at Rs.150,013 crore compared to Rs.123,651 crore in BE 1995-96 and Rs.134,320 crore in RE 1995-96. Of the increment, Rs.8,000 crore is on account of increase in interest payments, the provision for which is now placed at Rs.60,000 crore. The provision for Defence expenditure has been increased from Rs.26,879 crore in RE 1995-96 to Rs.27,798 crore. I assure Hon'ble Members that, if required, more funds will be made available in order to equip and keep our armed forces in fighting fit condition.

73. I have already referred to the major new initiatives for giving an impetus to agriculture and irrigation. The increase on account of higher subsidies for phosphatic and potassic fertilisers will be Rs.1,724 crore over last year's provision of Rs.500 crore. The enhanced subsidies are expected to lead to a balanced use of various fertilizers for better soil health and productivity.

74. The provision for food subsidy has also been increased from Rs.5,500 crore to Rs.5,884 crore.

75. A provision of Rs.449 crore has been made for writing off the outstanding interest and conversion of loans into equity in the subsidiaries of Bharat Yantra Nigam Ltd., Bharat Bhari Udyog Ltd. and Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd. under BIFR approved revival plans. In addition, a provision of Rs.1,270 crore has been made for non-plan loans to public sector enterprises mainly for payment of salaries and wages to the employees.

76. I now turn to the revenue receipts. Gross tax revenues at the existing rates of taxation are estimated at Rs.129,453 crore. After providing Rs.34,451 crore as the share of taxes of the States, the Centre's net tax revenue will be Rs.95,002 crore. Non-tax revenues, an important component of our receipts, have also shown healthy buoyancy. The receipts under this head, which were estimated at Rs.29,103 crore in RE 1995-96, are expected to be Rs.33,035 crore this year. I am confident that we can do better under some heads. I have taken credit for Rs.2,500 crore as license fee from private operators of cellular and basic telecom services.

77. The net revenue receipts for the Centre, including non-tax receipts, are expected to increase from Rs.110,191 crore in RE 1995-96 to Rs.128,037 crore in 1996-97.

78. In the area of capital receipts, traditional market borrowings are placed at Rs.3,700 crore. Other medium and long-term loans are estimated at Rs.21,798 crore. Net external assistance will be Rs.2,461 crore. I am also taking credit for receipts from disinvestment of equity in public sector enterprises of Rs.5,000 crore. Total receipts at the existing rates of taxation are estimated at Rs.195,774 crore while total expenditure is Rs.204,698 crore. I shall come to the Budget deficit and the fiscal deficit in Part B of my speech.