LIST 9 (1) Capacitors (excluding paper capacitors and power capacitors) (2) Ferrite components including memory cores and ferrite magnets (3) Switches with contact rating less than 5 amperes at voltage not excceding 250 Volts AC or DC (4) Connectors (5) Magnetic -Heads (all types) (6) Loud speakers (cone type) (7) Deflection components , namely:- (i) EHT/LOT/FBT transformers (ii) Line driver transformers (8) Ceramic / Magnetic cartridges and stylus (9) Air cored and Ferrite cored transformers (10) Microphones /Microphone cartridges (11) RF/IF coils,Inductance coils, Peaking coils, Tuning coils (12) Antennas (13) Relays of contact rating upto 7 amperes (14) EHT cables (15) Level meters/level indicators/ tuning indicators/ peak level meters/ battery meter/ VC meters / Tape counters (16) Tape deck mechanism (17) Tone arms (18) Microwave passive components (19) (i) Saw filters (ii) Ceramic filter/trap (iii) Delay lines (iv) CRT socket (v) Spark gap (vi) Degaussing Coil (20) Fibre optics and other optoelectronic components and devices namely, Couplers, Attenuators, Connectors, Splicers, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers (21) Passive optical components, namely, Microlens and splitters, Micropositioners, Optical filters and gratings and Phase plates (22) Special purpose optical fibres and cables, namely, polarisation holding fibres, plastic fibres and large core fibres. LIST 10 (1) (a) Laser rods - Neodymium: YAG, Neodymium : Glass, Ruby, Erbium : YAG, TI : A1203, Alexandrite, HO : YAG (b) Helium- Neon Laser Tubes (c) Semi-conductor visible lasers (d) Dielectric coated mirrors for visible , near IR & 10.6 micrometer region (e) Hard dielectric coated optics including thin film polarisers , calcite polarisers and Beam splitters (f) ZnSe mirrors, ZnSe lenses and ZnSe windows (g) Gratings and prisms (h) Dye cells and laser dyes (i) Thin film polarisers for visible, near IR region (j) Electro- optic switches for visible, near IR and 10.6 micrometer region (k) Flash lamps (Xenon, Krypton) (l) Arc lamps (Krypton) (m) Second harmonic generation crystals (2) Energy storage capacitors (3)Thyratrons (4) Phaotodetectors and photomultipliers (5) Metering needle valves and pressure indicators (6) Spectroscopic grade pure gases viz., Xenon, Krypton, Fluorine, Argon (7) Vacuum pumps of capacity upto 20 litres per minute (8) Quartz and Special glasses (9) Non linear crystals (10) Electro- optic and Acousto-optic switches (11) Special materials, namely, High purity gases, Kovar, Alumina and Zirconia fibres, Recrystallised Alumina Tubes, Optical polishing materials, Optical cleaning material, Dyes and Pitch for optical polishing (12) Optical filters LIST 11 (1) Television cameras with portable field video recorders (professional grade) (2) Audio recording equipment (3) Table top post production video editing machines (4) Four source editing controllers to control editing machines (5) 8-channel video mixer/switches (6) Special effect generators for fading and superimposing of text and graphics (7) Time base correctors / Frame synchronisers (8) Broadcast standard 3-D computer graphic systems (9) Professional grade colour video monitors (10) Portable lighting equipment with lamps for shooting in low light situation (11) Professional grade photographic cameras of all formats (12) Dark room equipment including enlargers (13) Computer control editing machines (14) Spares and accessories of above mentioned equipment as permitted by the Deputy Principal Information Officer in the Press Information Bureau in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting LIST 12 (A) Wireless Apparatus and accessories - (1) HF, VHF, or UHF transreceiver (combination of transmitter and receiver) meant for amateur frequencies with accessories in assembled or kit form (2) VHF/VHF or VHF/UHF Repeater (combination of transmitter and receiver) meant for amateur frequencies with accessories in assembled or kit form (3) Transvertor for amateur frequencies in assembled or kit form (4) Grid Dip Oscillator, Radio Frequency Interference Filter, Balun Transformer, SWR bridge or reflectometer, Morse reader or Noise bridge (5) Antenna with or without feeders/Antenna rotators for amateur frequencies (6) Digital Frequency counter (upto 600 MHz) with accessories (B) Components - (1) Transistors, diodes, integrated circuits/ chips, thermionic valves or vacuum tubes (2) Toroidal cores, quartz crystals, relays, rotatory switches, ferrite beads (3) Variable condensers, air-dielectric type (4) Precision capacitors (fixed type) value (s) between 1pf to 5000 pf (5) Spare nicad cells or pack, as required or used with thermionic valves or vacuum tubes or toroidal cores (in the case of hand held transreceiver) (6) Slow motion tuning mechanism with or without dials. LIST 13 (i)Turntable ladders and Hydraulic Platforms of height of 30 metres and above (ii) Portable pumps of 45 H.P. and above, having 3500 RPM and above discharging 1500 LPM water and above (iii) Pneumatic lifting bags (iv) Explosive gas detection equipment with tubes (v) Rescue tools and gears (vi) Spares for maintenance of items at S.Nos.(i) and (ii). LIST 14 (i) Components and parts of motor vehicles of Chapter 87 (ii) Brake hoses / radiator hoses with or without fittings, of heading No.40.09 (iii) Weather strips and oil seals, of heading No.40.16 (iv) Safety glass of heading No.70.07, Rear-view mirrors of heading No.70.09 (v) Screws, bolts, nuts and washers, of heading No.73.18 (vi) Leaf springs and helical springs, of heading No.73.20 (vii) Locks of heading No.83.01 (viii) Ball or roller bearings, of heading No.84.82 (ix) Spark plugs, fly-wheel magneto, distributor, ignition coil, starter motor, generator (alternator) and cut outs, of heading No.85.11 (x) Wind screen wipers, head lights and indicator lights, of heading No.85.12.