Union Budget 1998-99 (HOME)  

Receipts Budget

Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India

HOME (Union Budget)



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Introductory Note

Summary of estimates of tax and non-tax revenue receipts.

Tax Revenue

Non-tax Revenue

Summary of estimates of Capital Receipts


  1. Commodity-wise details of revenue from customs duties
  2. Commodity-wise details of revenue from union excise duties
  3. Statement showing the State-wise percentage of shares of taxes and duties under the recommendations of the 10th Finance Commission.
  4. Statement showing State-wise distribution of income-tax, basic excise duties and additional excise duties.
  5. Financial results of the working of Telecommunications Department.
  6. Debt position of the Government of India
  7. Details of current rupee loans of the Central Government.
  8. External assistance-receipts and repayments country/organisation-wise
  9. Trends in receipts
  10. Trends in expenditure
  11. Analysis of tax and non-tax revenue receipts included in Annexure9
  12. Reconciliation between estimates of Receipts shown in Annual Financial Statement and Receipts Budget.

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