Budget At a Glance
(In crore of Rupees) |
1998-99 Actuals | 1999-2000 Budget Estimates |
1999-2000 Revised Estimates |
2000-2001 Budget Estimates |
1. Revenue Receipts | 149510 | 182840 | 179504 | 203673 |
2. Tax Revenue (net to centre) |
104652 | 132365 | 126469 | 146209 |
3. Non-Tax Revenue | 44858 | 50475 | 53035 | 57464 |
4. Capital Receipts (5+6-6.1+7) |
129856 | 101042 | 124234 | 134814 |
5. Recoveries of Loans | 10633 | 11087 | 12736 | 13539 |
6. Other Receipts | 5874 | 10000 | 2600 | 10000 |
6.1 of which disinvestment proceeds committed for redemption of Public Debt |
... |
... |
... |
1000 |
7. Borrowings and
other |
113349 | 79955 | 108898 | 112275 |
8. Total Receipts (1+4) | 279366 | 283882 | 303738 | 338487 |
9. Non-Plan Expenditure | 212548 | 206882 | 224343 | 250387 |
10. On Revenue Account of which |
176900 |
190331 |
204904 |
228768 |
11. Interest Payments | 77882 | 88000 | 91425 | 101266 |
12. On Capital Account | 35648 | 16551 | 19439 | 21619 |
13. Plan Expenditure | 66818 | 77000 | 79395 | 88100 |
14. On Revenue Account | 40519 | 46656 | 48132 | 52330 |
15. On Capital Account | 26299 | 30344 | 31263 | 35770 |
16. Total Expenditure (9+13) | 279366 | 283882 | 303738 | 338487 |
17. Revenue Expenditure (10+14) |
217419 |
236987 |
253036 |
281098 |
18. Capital Expenditure (12+15) |
61947 |
46895 |
50702 |
57389 |
19. Revenue Deficit (1-17) | 67909 | 54147 | 73532 | 77425 |
20. Fiscal Deficit [(1+5+6)-16]=(7-6.1) |
113349 |
79955 |
108898 |
111275 |
21. Primary Deficit (20-11) | 35467 | -8045 | 17473 | 10009 |
Note: Actuals for 1998-99 include loans to States/UTs against small savings collections (Rs.23,026 crore). |