Explanatory Note
The Budget estimates are presented in this document in broad
aggregates to facilitate easy understanding. For this purpose certain items of receipts
and expenditure have been regrouped. For example, the expenditure of commercial
departments have been taken net of their receipts so that increase in the volume of
transactions does not inflate the figures on both sides. Similarly, short term loans and
advances given to the States and recovered during the same year have also been netted.
Certain transactions which do not involve cash outgo, e.g., payment through issue of
Government securities for subscription to International Monetary Fund, investment in
nationalised banks and Unit Trust of India, settlement of claims of oil companies under
the Administered Price Mechanism for petroleum products, which are matched by receipts,
have been excluded so that the focus is on real items of expenditure.
The document shows the revenue deficit, the fiscal deficit and the primary deficit. Revenue deficit refers to the excess of revenue expenditure over revenue receipts. Fiscal deficit is the difference between the revenue receipts plus certain non-debt capital receipts and the total expenditure including loans, net of repayments. This indicates the total borrowing requirements of Government from all sources. Primary deficit is measured by fiscal deficit less interest payments. Note: Variations, if any, in the figures shown in this document and those shown in other Budget documents are due to rounding.