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60. To promote literacy and to improve the education standards of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, a new thrust will be given to the Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme. The budgetary provision for this Scheme is being increased from Rs.72 crore to Rs.130 crore. Emphasis under this Scheme will be on female literacy. Our Prime Minister has announced that it will be our national goal to liberate and rehabilitate around 6 lakh Scavengers in the country. A new strategy will be devised under which Scavengers will be organized into self-help cooperatives and provided assistance from the Government and the concerned Finance Development Corporations. To give a greater focus to the welfare of Scheduled Tribes, a new Ministry of Tribal Affairs has been set up. The plan allocation of Tribal welfare has been substantially stepped up from Rs.684 crore to Rs.810 crore.

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