Highlights of Central Plan 2001-2002



I. RURAL EMPLOYMENT (Rs. 6846 crore)

1. Employment Assurance Scheme (Rs. 1600 crore)

- 1600 crore rupees for providing single wage employment programme in the country to create additional wage employment opportunities for the rural poor living below the poverty line. 70% of the funds to be allocated to the blocks and 30% reserved for the areas of distress.

2. Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (Rs.500 crore)

- 500 crore rupees provided for Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana which is a holistic self employment programme with the objective of establishing a large number of micro-enterprises in rural areas. It aims to bring every assisted family above the poverty line in three years. At least 50% of the swarozgaris will be SCs/STs; 40% women and 3% disabled.

3. Rural Housing (Rs.1527 crore)

- 1527 crore rupees provided for rural housing with physical target of construction of 9.84 lakh houses for rural poor to be built by themselves.

4. National Social Assistance Programme (Rs.835 crore)

- 835 crore rupees provided for National Social Assistance Programme for giving pension to 62 lakh destitute under National Old Age Pension Scheme; and compensating 2.40 lakh households of the deceased under the National Family Benefit Scheme;

5. Annapurna (Rs.300 crore)

- 300 crore rupees provided for the Scheme "Annapurna" which aims at providing food security @10 Kgs. of foodgrains per month to all those who, though eligible for old age pensions, remain uncovered under National Old Age Pension Scheme. About 40 lakh beneficiaries will be eligible under this Scheme.


6. Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (Rs.2010 crore)

- 2010 crore rupees provided to supplement the States in their efforts to provide Safe Drinking Water to all rural habitations.

7. Rural Sanitation (Rs.150 crore)

- 150 crore rupees provided for Rural Sanitation is for total Sanitation Campaign in selected districts to be decided by the States with 70% allocation.

III. LAND RESOURCES (Rs.900 crores)

8. Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (Rs.430 crore)

- 430 crore rupees provided for additional 5 lakh hectares to be taken up for development on watershed basis through people’s participation.

9. Drought Prone Areas Programme (Rs.210 crore)

- 210 crore rupees provided for new areas covering about 6 lakh hectares.

10. Desert Development Programme (Rs.160 crore)

- 160 crore rupees provided for an additional area covering 4 lakh hectares.


- 300 crore rupees provided for Crop Insurance Scheme.

- 50 crore rupees provided for On farm Water Management Scheme.

- 85 crore provided for National Horticulture Board including capital investment subsidy for cold storage.


- 116.59 lakh tonnes of Nitrogenous fertiliser production targeted.

- 49.30 lakh tonnes of phosphatic fertiliser production targeted.


- 322.73 million tonnes of coal production targeted.

- 17.50 million tonnes of lignite production targeted.


- 500 crore rupees provided for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. It proposes to implement universalisation of elementary education in a mission mode with a clear district focus to provide quality elementary education to children of the age group of 6-14 years with special focus on girls, children belonging to SC/ST communities, urban slum dwellers and low female literacy blocks.

- 930 crore rupees provided for nutritional support to Primary Education.

- 1100 crore rupees provided for District Primary Education Project.

- 400 crore rupees provided for Education Guarantee Scheme and Alternative Innovative Education.

- 520 crore rupees provided for Operation Black Board.

- 364 crore rupees provided for Non-formal Education.

- 220 crore rupees provided for Teacher Training Programmes.

- 200 crore rupees provided for Adult Education.


- 425 crore rupees provided for the development and promotion of Information Technology.


- 225 crore rupees provided for National Malaria Eradication Programme including Kala-azar.

- 75 crore rupees provided for National Leprosy Control Programme.

- 210 crore rupees provided for National AIDS control Programme.

- 136 crore rupees provided for National Tuberculosis Control Programme.

- 140 crore rupees provided for National Trachoma and Blindness Control Programme.

ROADS (Rs.6078 crore)

- 2100 crore rupees provided for investment in National Highway Authority of India which has been entrusted with the construction of "Golden Quadrilateral" and North-South and East-West corridors.

- 1492 crore rupees provided for construction of National Highways.

- 100 crore provided for roads of economic and inter-State importance.


- 8014 crore rupees provided for exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas.

- 8922 crore rupees provided for refining and marketing.

POWER (Rs.12375 crore)

- 527 billion units generation targeted.

- 2000 villages to be electrified.

- 2 lakh pump sets to be energised.

RAILWAYS (Rs.10040 crore)

- 23000 Wagons, 2076 coaches and 180 locomotives to be added.

- 3400 kilometers of track renewal.

- 350 Route kilometers of electrification.

- 160 Route kilometers of gauge conversion.

- 82 new lines to be added.


To instal

- 72.3 lakh direct exchange line by BSNL & MTNL.

- 82.46 lakh lines of switching capacity by BSNL & MTNL.

- 10.15 lakh lines of Trunk Automatic Exchange capacity by BSNL & MTNL

- 126000 route Kilometers of optical Fibre Cable Network.


- 194 crore rupees provided for Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana to assist 2.2 lakh educated unemployed youth.

- 120 crore rupees provided for Rural Employment Generation Programme.

- 60 crore rupees provided for Credit Guarantee Fund for Small Scale Industries sector, to provide collateral free loans to SSI sector.


- 16.18 million tonnes of production by SAIL, RINL and TISCO of saleable steel targeted.


- 155 crore provided for Post Matric Scholarships for SC/ST students by which about 16 lakh students are likely to benefit during 2001-2002.

- 408 crore rupees provided towards Special Central Assistance for Special Component Plan by which about 4.68 lakh Scheduled Caste families are likely to benefit during 2001-2002.



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