Budget Speech

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     Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Budget Speech - Part A

          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Introduction
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Economic Context
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Budget Strategy
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Agriculture and Rural Development
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Rural Roads
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Rural Electrification
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Management of the Food Economy
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Infrastructure
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Power
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Roads
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Telecom
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Ports
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Financial Sector and Capital Markets
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Debt Market
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Banking Sector
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Capital Account Liberalisation
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Foreign Investment
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Structural Reforms
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Administered Pricing Mechanism (APM)
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Industrial Restructuring
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Human Development
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Fiscal Consolidation
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Public Sector Restructuring and Privatization
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Gujarat Earthquake
          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Budget Estimates


     Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) Budget Speech - Part B

          Swaz1.gif (658 bytes) Budget Speech - Part B

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