
(In crore of Rupees)


Budget Estimates

Revised Estimates

Budget Estimates

 1.  Tax Revenue       
      Gross Tax Revenue  226649 196693 235800
             Union Excise duties 81720 74520 91433
             Customs 54822 43170 45193
             Corporation tax 44200 39059 48616
             Income tax 40600 34438 42524
             Service tax 3600 3600 6026
             Taxes of the Union Territories 382 496 513
             Other taxes and duties 1325 1410 1495
Less surcharge on Union taxes/duties  transferred to the National Calamity Contingency Fund 2000 1500 1600*
  Less States' Share 61618 52845 61235
  Net Tax Revenue 163031 142348 172965
 2. Non -Tax Revenue      
         Interest receipts 41578 37800 41660
         Dividend and profits 16229 18292 18805
         External grants 697 826 859
         Other non-tax revenue 9766 12822 10308
         Receipts of Union Territories 444 484 508
Total Non-Tax Revenue 68714 70224 72140
Total Revenue Receipts 231745 212572 245105
        Recoveries of Loans* 15164 15143 17680
        Market borrowings #      
        Other short, medium & long term loans 77353 91480 95859
         External assistance 1865 2054 770
         Disinvestment of equity holding in              public sector enterprises 12000 5000 12000
         Securities against Small Savings 9000 8640 8000
         State Provident Funds 9500 9000 10000
         Special deposits 10252 10831 9898
         Others 8344 5913 10997
         Draw-down on cash balance ... 3803 ...
Total Capital Receipts              143478 151864 165204
TOTAL  RECEIPTS** 375223 364436 410309
* excludes recoveries of short-term loans and advances from States and loans to Government servants, etc. 2325 3390 2400
*With effect from 2002-03, 2% surcharge for NCCF on Corporation Tax and Income Tax has been abolished. The amount of surcharge transferred to NCCF will be limited to the surcharge on Union duties.
@ The receipts (other than recoveries of loans) are net receipts: gross receipts minus repayments.
# These include Zero Coupon Bonds, loans in conversion of maturing Treasury Bills, 364 days Treasury Bills, etc.
** Excludes receipts offset by matching expenditure (Details in Receipts Budget)

