Budget Estimates |
Revised Estimates |
Budget Estimates |
1. Tax Revenue |
Gross Tax Revenue |
226649 |
196693 |
235800 |
Excise duties |
81720 |
74520 |
91433 |
Customs |
54822 |
43170 |
45193 |
Corporation tax |
44200 |
39059 |
48616 |
Income tax |
40600 |
34438 |
42524 |
Service tax |
3600 |
3600 |
6026 |
Taxes of the Union Territories |
382 |
496 |
513 |
Other taxes and duties |
1325 |
1410 |
1495 |
Less surcharge on Union taxes/duties transferred to the
National Calamity Contingency Fund |
2000 |
1500 |
1600* |
Less States' Share |
61618 |
52845 |
61235 |
Net Tax Revenue |
163031 |
142348 |
172965 |
2. Non -Tax Revenue |
Interest receipts |
41578 |
37800 |
41660 |
Dividend and
profits |
16229 |
18292 |
18805 |
External grants |
697 |
826 |
859 |
Other non-tax
revenue |
9766 |
12822 |
10308 |
Receipts of Union
Territories |
444 |
484 |
508 |
Total Non-Tax Revenue |
68714 |
70224 |
72140 |
Total Revenue Receipts |
231745 |
212572 |
245105 |
Recoveries of Loans* |
15164 |
15143 |
17680 |
Market borrowings # |
Other short, medium
& long term loans |
77353 |
91480 |
95859 |
assistance |
1865 |
2054 |
770 |
Disinvestment of
equity holding in
public sector enterprises |
12000 |
5000 |
12000 |
against Small Savings |
9000 |
8640 |
8000 |
State Provident
Funds |
9500 |
9000 |
10000 |
Special deposits |
10252 |
10831 |
9898 |
Others |
8344 |
5913 |
10997 |
Draw-down on cash
balance |
... |
3803 |
... |
Total Capital Receipts |
143478 |
151864 |
165204 |
375223 |
364436 |
410309 |
* excludes recoveries of short-term loans and advances from States and
loans to Government servants, etc. |
2325 |
3390 |
2400 |
*With effect from 2002-03, 2% surcharge for NCCF on
Corporation Tax and Income Tax has been abolished. The amount of surcharge transferred to
NCCF will be limited to the surcharge on Union duties. |
@ The receipts (other than recoveries of loans) are net
receipts: gross receipts minus repayments. |
# These include Zero Coupon Bonds, loans in conversion of
maturing Treasury Bills, 364 days Treasury Bills, etc. |
** Excludes receipts offset by matching expenditure (Details
in Receipts Budget) |