Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Expenditure

  Union Budget 2003-2004  


  (In Crore of Rupees)


2002-2003      Budget Estimates

2002-2003      Revised Estimates 2003-2004        Budget Estimates


A. Revenue Expenditure

1. Interest Payments

117390 115663 123223

2. Premium for prepayment of external debt

... 331 ...

3. Defence

43589 41088 44347

4. Subsidies

39801 44618 49907*

5. Grants to State and U.T. Governments

19190 15010 18369

6. Pensions

15035 14231 15466

7. Police

8352 8237 8319
8. Assistance to States from National
    Calamity Contingency Fund
1600 1600 1600

9. Economic Services
    (Agriculture, Industry, Power,
    Transport, Communications,
    Science & Technology etc.)

8851 11670 11241

10.Other General Services
    (Organs of State, tax
    collection, external affairs etc.)

8163 7973 8083

11.Social Services (Education,
     Health, Broadcasting, etc)

6724 6679 6829

12. Postal Deficit

1107 1431 1287

13. Expenditure of Union
      Territories without Legislature

1406 1412 1591
14. Amount met from National Calamity
     Contingency fund
-1600 -1600 -1600

15. Grants to Foreign Governments

561 636 722

Total Revenue Non-Plan Expenditure

270169 268979 289384

B. Capital Expenditure

     1. Defence

21411 14912 20953

     2. Other Non-plan Capital Outlay

2439 -151 3757

     3. Loans to Public Enterprises

1337 2144 1292

     4. Loans to State and U.T. Governments

590 2592 421

     5. Loans to Foreign Governments

512 612 277

     6. Others

351 836 1737
Total Capital Non-Plan Expenditure 26640 20945 28437
Total Non-Plan Expenditure 296809 289924 317821

  *This includes subsidy on Food (Rs. 27,800 crore); Fertiliser (Rs. 12,720 crore) and LPG & PDS Kerosene (Rs. 6,300 crore).


  (In Crore of Rupees)


2002-2003      Budget Estimates

2002-2003      Revised Estimates 2003-2004        Budget Estimates


     A. Revenue Expenditure

     1. Central Plan

48666 49484 52123

     2. Central Assistance
         for State & Union
         Territory Plans

21647 23185 24720

              State Plan

21081 22538 24105

              Union Territory Plan

566 647 615

Total-Revenue Plan Expenditure

70313 72669 76843

    B. Capital Expenditure

    1. Central Plan

18205 18735 20028

    2. Central Assistance
        for State & Union
        Territory Plans

24982 22685 24103

              State Plan

24280 21817 23354

              Union Territory Plan

702 868 749

Total Capital Plan Expenditure

43187 41420 44131
Total - Plan Expenditure 113500 114089 120974
Total Budget Support for Central Plan 66871 68219 72152

Total Central Assistance
     for State & UT plans

46629 45870 48822
TOTAL EXPENDITURE* 410309 404013 438795
     1. Repayment of debt** 140615 162145 165376
     2.  Total Interest Payments 117390 115663 123223
     3.  Total debt servicing (1+2) 258005 277808 288599
     4.  Revenue Receipts 245105 236936 253935
     5.  Percentage of 2 to 4 47.9% 48.8% 48.5%

*Excludes expenditure matched by receipts (Details in Annexure-2 to Expenditure Budget, Volume-1, 2003-2004)
** Excludes discharge of 91 days & 14 days Treasury bills, Ways & Means Advances, income and expenditure of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF), investment of NSSF and conversion of past outstanding  liabilities under Small Savings into Public Debt, Reserve Funds and Deposits not bearing interest and suspense transactions.

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