Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Central Plan Outlay by Sectors

  Union Budget 2003-2004  

        Central Plan Outlay by Sectors

  (In Crore of Rupees)


2002-2003      Budget Estimates

2002-2003      Revised Estimates 2003-2004        Budget Estimates

Agriculture and Allied Activities

3733 3219 3866

Rural Development*

7973 12834 8181

Irrigation and Flood Control

443 381 443


36306 36825 43379

Industry and Minerals

7993 7114 7598


32041 27812 28784


19540 14214 14903

Science, Technology & Environment

4414 4022 4696

General Economic Services

1785 1588 3945

Social Services**

29376 28461 31689

General Services

434 397 409
Grand Total 144038 136867 147893

*   Includes provision for Rural Housing.
** Excludes provision for Rural Housing.


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