Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Receipts

  Union Budget 2004-2005  


  (In Crore of Rupees)


2003-2004      Budget Estimates


2003-2004      Revised Estimates 2004-2005        Budget Estimates
 1.  Tax Revenue       
      Gross Tax Revenue  251527 254923 300323
             Union Excise duties 96791 92379 107199
             Customs 49350 49350 53000
             Corporation tax 51499 62986 79546
             Income tax 44070 40269 46309
             Service tax 8000 8300 13500
             Taxes of the Union Territories 557 594 624
             Other taxes and duties 1260 1045 145
Less surcharge on Union taxes/duties  transferred to the National Calamity Contingency Fund 3600 1600 1600
  Less States' Share 63758 65784 78591
  Net Tax Revenue 184169 187539 220132
 2. Non -Tax Revenue      
         Interest receipts 39160 35999 36466
         Dividend and profits 17861 22081 15375
         External grants 1461 2857 3598
         Other non-tax revenue 10738 13972 14693
         Receipts of Union Territories 546 579 618
Total Non-Tax Revenue 69766 75488 70750
Total Revenue Receipts 253935 263027 290882
         Recoveries of Loans* 18023 64625 14100
         Market borrowings      
         Other short, medium & long term loans# 107194 82982 90502
         External assistance 3582
(-) 11705 8076
         Disinvestment of equity holding in
         public sector enterprises
13200 14500 16000
         Securities against Small Savings ... 60400 1350
         State Provident Funds 7500 5000 6000
         Special deposits 9970 (-) 451 ...
         Others 25391 9574 30524
         Cash balance ... (-) 13697 ...
Total Capital Receipts              184860 211228 166552
TOTAL  RECEIPTS** 438795 474255 457434
         * excludes recoveries of short-term loans
            and advances from States and loans to             Government servants, etc
2500 3000 2525

@       The receipts are net of repayments.
#       These includes 364 day Treasury Bills, etc.
**      Excludes receipts offset by matching expenditure.

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