2003-2004 Budget Estimates
Revised Estimates |
Budget Estimates |
1. Tax Revenue |
Gross Tax Revenue |
251527 |
254923 |
300323 |
Union Excise duties |
96791 |
92379 |
107199 |
Customs |
49350 |
49350 |
53000 |
Corporation tax |
51499 |
62986 |
79546 |
Income tax |
44070 |
40269 |
46309 |
Service tax |
8000 |
8300 |
13500 |
Taxes of the Union Territories |
557 |
594 |
624 |
Other taxes and duties |
1260 |
1045 |
145 |
Less surcharge on Union taxes/duties transferred to the
National Calamity Contingency Fund |
3600 |
1600 |
1600 |
Less States' Share |
63758 |
65784 |
78591 |
Net Tax Revenue |
184169 |
187539 |
220132 |
2. Non -Tax Revenue |
Interest receipts |
39160 |
35999 |
36466 |
Dividend and profits |
17861 |
22081 |
15375 |
External grants |
1461 |
2857 |
3598 |
Other non-tax
revenue |
10738 |
13972 |
14693 |
Receipts of Union
Territories |
546 |
579 |
618 |
Total Non-Tax Revenue |
69766 |
75488 |
70750 |
Total Revenue Receipts |
253935 |
263027 |
290882 |
Recoveries of Loans* |
18023 |
64625 |
14100 |
Market borrowings |
Other short, medium &
long term loans# |
107194 |
82982 |
90502 |
External assistance |
11705 |
8076 |
Disinvestment of
equity holding in
public sector enterprises |
13200 |
14500 |
16000 |
Securities against
Small Savings |
... |
60400 |
1350 |
State Provident
Funds |
7500 |
5000 |
6000 |
Special deposits |
9970 |
451 |
... |
Others |
25391 |
9574 |
30524 |
Cash balance |
... |
13697 |
... |
Total Capital Receipts |
184860 |
211228 |
166552 |
438795 |
474255 |
457434 |
* excludes recoveries of short-term loans
and advances from
States and loans to
Government servants, etc |
2500 |
3000 |
2525 |