Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Central Plan Outlay by Sectors

  Union Budget 2004-2005  

        Central Plan Outlay by Sectors

  (In Crore of Rupees)

2003-2004      Budget Estimates

2003-2004      Revised Estimates 2004-2005        Budget Estimates

Agriculture and Allied Activities

3866 3671 4727

Rural Development*

8181 13238 9239

Irrigation and Flood Control

443 275 458


43379 42240 46571

Industry and Minerals

7598 5749 8307


28784 25970 29676


14903 12860 11740

Science, Technology & Environment

4696 4228 5658

General Economic Services

3945 2033 4007

Social Services**

31689 31102 35563

General Services

409 400 482
Grand Total 147893 141766 156428

*   Includes provision for Rural Housing.
** Excludes provision for Rural Housing.


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