Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Resources transferred to States and U.T. Governments

  Union Budget 2004-2005  

        Resources transferred to States and U.T. Governments

  (In Crore of Rupees)


2003-2004      Budget Estimates

2003-2004      Revised Estimates 2004-2005        Budget Estimates
1. States' share of Taxes and
63758 65784 78591
2. Non-Plan Grants and Loans 18790 15850 19881
   Grants 18369 15669 19775
   Loans* 421 181 106
3. Central Assistance for
    States and UT
46314 46165 51209
   Grants 22668 23293 26012
   Loans 23646 22872 25197
4. Assistance for Central and Centrally
    Sponsored Schemes
11249 9568 10928
   Grants 11123 9449 10784
   Loans 126 119 144
5. Total Grants & Loans
76353 71583 82018
   Grants 52160 48411 56571
   Loans 24193 23172 25447
6. Less-Recovery of Loans & Advances 13488 57289 12798
   Net Resources transferred
   to State and UT
   Governments (1+5-6)
126623 80078* 147811
     (Of which State Governments) 125326 78784 146522
     (Of which UT Governments)  1297 1294 1289
* Net of recovery of short term  loans & Advances 2000 2500 2000
** In addition direct release to implementing agencies as part of Central assistance for State/UT Plans (Rural Electrification, MPLADS & North Eastern Council etc.) 1758 1745 1745
Plan of U.Ts without Legislature 750 750 750
I.  Direct assistance for State and UT Plans from the Budget. 48822 48660 53704
II. Investments made from 'National Small Savings Fund' in State Government Securities 60000 64500 70000
Total 108822 113160 123704

* Includes receipts under the State Debt Swap Scheme.

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