Union Budget > Receipt Budget

  Union Budget 2009-2010
Receipt Budget

Introductory Note [English]   [Hindi]
Summary of Estimates of Tax and Non-Tax Revenue Receipts [English]   [Hindi]
Tax Revenue [English]   [Hindi]
Non-Tax Revenue [English]   [Hindi]
Summary of Estimates of Capital Receipts [English]   [Hindi]
State-wise Distribution of Share in Central Taxes/Duties [English]   [Hindi]
External Assistance-Receipts and Repayments
   Country/Organisation-wise [English]   [Hindi]
> Debt position of the Government of India [English]   [Hindi]
> Details of Current Rupee Loans of the Central Government [English]   [Hindi]
> Special Securities converted into marketable securities [English]   [Hindi]
> Special Securities issued to nationalised banks converted into    marketable securities [English]   [Hindi]
> Trends in Receipts [English]   [Hindi]
> Trends in Expenditure [English]   [Hindi]
> Analysis of Tax and Non-Tax Revenue Receipts included
   in Annexure - 5 [English]   [Hindi]
> National Small Savings Fund [English]   [Hindi]
> Reconciliation between Estimates of Receipts Shown in
   Annual Financial Statement and Receipts Budget [English]   [Hindi]
> Tax Revenues raised but not realised (principal taxes) [English]   [Hindi]
> Arrears of Non-Tax Revenue [English]   [Hindi]
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