• Theme of Economic Survey, 2018-19 - "Shifting Gears" towards #Economy@5trillion, #India@75 • "blue sky" thinking - new ideas for policymaking • Blueprint for a sustained growth rate of 8% • Behavioral 'nudges' to design and deliver optimal outcomes • Policies to unshackle MSMEs to grow, create jobs and enhance productivity • Data as a public good "of the people, for the people and by the people" • Legal reform, Policy consistency, efficient labour markets and use of technology are focus areas.
Shifting Gears
Investment-led Growth
Using Behavioral Nudges
Nourishing Dwarfs to Become Giants
Data as a public good
Legal Reforms
Policy Consistency
India's Demography at 2040
From Swachh Bharat to Sundar Bharat
Affordable and Sustainable Energy
Use of technology in Welfare Schemes
Redesigning the Minimum Wage System
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Press Conference of Chief Economic Advisor Dr KV Subramanian , on Economic Survey 2018-19 at 1:45PM
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