Page 407 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 407

34      Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

                                       GVA Shock Intensity        Employ-           Fiscal
                                    (Measured as share in GSVA)    ment             shock     COVID-19
                                                                   shock           Intensity

                              Agricul-  Mining  Manu-  Con-  Ser-  Informal   Share   Gross Fis-  Con-  Deaths
                               ture          factur-  struc-  vices   Workers   in Total   cal Deficit  firmed-  (‘000)
                                              ing    tion         Share in   MSMEs  as % of   Cases
                                                                  Non-Ag-           GDP    (Lakhs)
                                          FY 2019-20             FY 2018-19 FY 2015- FY 2019-20   Jan  Jan
                                                                             16     (RE)

             Chandigarh        0.4      0.0    3.6    4.7   87.9   36.9      0.1             0.2     0.3
             Delhi             0.4      1.6    5.5    4.6   84.5   52.0      1.5    -0.1     6.3    10.7
             Goa               4.5      2.8    50.8   3.2   31.4   16.2      0.1    5.6      0.5     0.8
             Manipur          21.2      0.0    2.9    9.1   63.3   7.0       0.3    11.1     0.3     0.4

             Meghalaya        15.5      3.6    11.1   7.0   60.7   27.0      0.2    3.6      0.1     0.1
             Mizoram          22.8      0.3    0.7   10.3   51.3   2.4       0.1    8.7      0.0     0.0
             Nagaland         25.8      0.2    1.7    7.8   61.7   13.9      0.1    4.9      0.1     0.1
             Puducherry        4.1      2.3    28.0   16.9   47.2   27.2     0.2    0.8      0.4     0.6

             Sikkim            7.7      0.1    46.7   4.2   27.6   23.7      0.0    3.7      0.1     0.1
             Tripura          22.1      11.6   4.0    7.6   50.0   14.2      0.3    6.5      0.3     0.4
             All-India        14.6      2.7    17.4   7.8   55.2   39.2    100.0    3.2     105.4   152.1

              Source: MOSPI, Periodic Labour Force Survey 2018-19, State budget documents, National Sample Survey 73rd round 2015-16
              Note: *Informal workers in non-agricultural sector defined as Regular wage / salaried employees in usual status (ps+ss) in
              non-agriculture sector without written job contract, not eligible for paid leave, without any social security benefit for each
              State/ UT
              Wherever data for FY 2019-20 is not available, FY 2018-19 data has been denoted
              All figures are in per cent unless specified.


             1.40  To help mitigate the spread of the virus, many countries implemented necessary measures.
             These have included school closures, restrictions on nonessential business activities, prohibitions
             of public gatherings, suspension of public transport, restrictions on movement, border closures,
             and travel bans. These social distancing measures with public information campaigns, broad-
             based testing, and contact tracing of individuals who were potentially exposed to known cases.
             Lockdowns  and  travel  restrictions  imposed  significant  supply-side  constraints  on  national
             economies, drastically reducing output and employment in sectors that are usually resistant to
             business cycle fluctuations, particularly non-traded services.

             1.41  The unrivalled impact of the pandemic on almost every sector of the global economy and
             every aspect of society invoked a similar unparalleled policy response. Governments and Central
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