Page 631 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 631

258     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

             the country. Progress in agriculture (including forestry and fisheries) has a bearing on the fate
             of the largest low-income group in India.

             7.72  There is a need for a paradigm shift in how we view agriculture from a rural livelihood
             sector to a modern business enterprise. In this context, both production and post production
             in agriculture needs urgent reforms to enable sustainable and consistent growth. Increase in
             area under irrigation, adoption of hybrid and improved seeds, increasing variety replacement
             ratio and augmentation in seed testing facilities will help address low productivity concerns.
             Adequate storage and remunerative markets for agricultural products should be the main focus
             of post-production management. It is also important to integrate agriculture with nutritional
             outcomes by means of food fortification of staples.

             7.73  On the post-production front, measures like village level procurement centres, linkages
             between production and processing, development of rural markets, option of selling outside
             the APMC markets – warehouse upgradations and strengthening of railways freight operations,
             dedicated freight corridors among others are needed and are being taken up. These measures
             will not only reduce post-harvest losses but will also help realize the objective of doubling
             farmers’ income.

             7.74  All  business  enterprises  need  to  optimise  on  inputs  -  both  knowledge  and  materials.
             Therefore, it is also essential to impart farmers with basic education and training to transform his
             / her role from that of a producer to an entrepreneur. The option of setting up of rural agricultural
             schools for hands-on training may be explored in this regard. Allied sectors including animal
             husbandry, dairying and fisheries have gradually become a significant source of farm income
             and employment. Measures need to be taken to increase the productivity of the allied sectors
             along with sufficient provision for marketing of their products. Another area of emphasis is the
             need to strengthen agriculture extension services which are extremely important as they provide
             technical information to the farmer about improved agricultural practices, guidance on the use
             of these inputs and other services in support of their production.

             7.75  The food subsidy bill is becoming unmanageably large. While it is difficult to reduce the
             economic cost of food management in view of rising commitment towards food security, there
             is a need to consider the revision of CIP to reduce the bulging food subsidy bill.

                                           CHAPTER AT A GLANCE

              ¾   India’s agricultural sector has shown its resilience amid the adversities of COVID induced
                  lockdowns. The Agriculture and allied activities were the sole bright spot amid the slide
                  in GDP performance of other sectors, clocking a growth rate of 3.4 per cent at constant
                  prices during 2020-21 (1  Advance Estimates).

              ¾   As per the provisional estimates of national income released by CSO on 29th May, 2020,
                  the share of agriculture and allied sectors in Gross Value Added (GVA) of the country at
                  current prices is 17.8 per cent for the year 2019-20.
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