Page 725 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 725
352 Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2
Table 11: Average Time (in minutes) Spent in a Day per Participant
of Different Broad Usual Principal Activity Status
Employment and Unpaid domestic services Unpaid caregiving services
Activity Status related activities for household members for household members
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Worker 472 382 93 237 71 103
Unemployed 245 233 112 222 102 157
Labour Force 470 381 93 237 72 105
Not in a labour force 170 182 112 317 100 140
Source: Time Use Survey, 2019
Table 12: Average Time (in minutes) Spent in a Day per Person in Paid
and Unpaid Activities Among Various Social Groups
ST SC OBC Others
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Unpaid SNA activities 51 48 27 23 29 23 24 18
Unpaid non-SNA activities 42 266 38 285 37 279 37 286
All Unpaid activities 94 313 65 307 66 303 61 304
Paid activities 218 75 247 60 238 56 247 45
Source: Time Use Survey, 2019 (Table 44, Appendix A)
10.33 In order to incentivise more women to join into the labour force, investment in institutional
support to affordable and quality child care facilities, paid paternal leave, family-friendly work
environment, and support for elderly care needs to be made. There is also a need to promote
non-discriminatory practices at the workplace like pay and career progression, improve work
incentives, including other medical and social security benefits for female workers.
10.34 COVID-19 demonstrated the importance of investing and strengthening public health
system. India has made significant progress in improving its health outcomes over the last two
decades by eliminating Polio, Guinea worm disease, Yaws and maternal & neonatal Tetanus.
Health indicators shows, Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has reduced sharply from 3.6 in 1991 to 2.2
in 2018. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) was 113 per 1,00,000 live births for the period 2016-
2018 and Under Five Mortality Rate (U5MR) was 36 per 1000 live births in 2018. But in 2020,
it was the COVID-19 pandemic that put to test the health infrastructure of India. The pandemic
brought forth the inherent strengths of the medical fraternity in effectively managing the spread
of the disease. There are more than 1 crore COVID-19 cases reported in India, with recovery of
more than 95 per cent. However, the country lost around 1.52 lakh lives due to the COVID-19
pandemic . Public health measures were taken in pre-emptive, pro-active and graded manner
based on the evolving scenario. To provide, financial support, ‘COVID-19 Emergency Response
7 As on 12.01.2021 (Source: