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Budget Speech - Part A
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Introduction
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Fiscal Management
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Agriculture and Rural Development
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Rural Housing
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Social Security for the poor
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Empowerment of Women
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Population, Health and Environment
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Small Scale Industry
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Industry and Capital Market
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Science and Technology
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Banking and Finance
    bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Infrastructure
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Disinvestment/Privatisation/Public Sector Restructuring
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) The North-East Region
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Revised Estimates for 1999-2000
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Budget Estimates for 2000-2001
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes)  Plan Expenditure
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Non-plan Expenditure
buttton1.gif (489 bytes) Budget Speech - Part B
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Indirect Tax Proposals
     bullet4.gif (1689 bytes) Direct Tax Proposals

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