Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Receipts

  Union Budget 2008-2009  


  (In Crore of Rupees)


2007-2008      Budget Estimates


2007-2008      Revised Estimates 2008-2009        Budget Estimates
 1.  Tax Revenue       
      Gross Tax Revenue  548122 585410 687715
             Corporation tax 168401 186125 226361
             Income tax 98774 118320 138314
             Other taxes and duties 315 315 325
             Customs 98770 100766 118930
             Union Excise Duties 130220 127947 137874
             Service Tax 50200 50603 64460
             Taxes of the Union Territories 1442 1334 1451
Less- NCCD transferred to the National Calamity Contingency Fund 1800 1800 1800
  Less States' Share 142450 151837 178765
  Net Tax Revenue 403872 431773 507150
 2. Non -Tax Revenue      
         Interest Receipts 19308 17464 19135
         Dividend and Profits 33925 36108 43204
         External Grants 2135 2091 1795
         Other Non-Tax Revenue 26471 36842 30836
         Receipts of Union Territories 711 820 815
Total Non-Tax Revenue 82550 93325 95785
Total Revenue Receipts 486422 525098 602935
 A. Non-debt Receipts      
         1. Recoveries of Loans & Advances@ 1500 4497 4497
         2. Miscellaneous Capital receipts 41651 36125 10165
              Total 43151 40622 14662
 B. Debt Receipts to finance Fiscal Deficit      
         3. Market Loans 109579 110671 100571
         4. Short term borrowings 1748 25553 12429
         5. External assistance (Net) 9111 9970 10989
         6. Securities issued against Small Savings 10510 -1802 9873
         7. State Provident Funds (Net) 5000 4800 4800
         8. Other Receipts (Net) 15000 12645 -12600
         9. Draw-down of cash Balance ... -18184 7225
              Total  150948 143653 133287
Total Capital Receipts (A+B)      194099 184275 147949
Total Receipts 680521 709373 750884
Receipts under MSS (Net) 10000 154831 29806
        @ excludes recoveries of short-term
           loans and advances from States and
           loans to Government servants, etc.
1530 1510 1495

* The receipts are net of repayments.

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