Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Expenditure

  Union Budget 2008-2009  


  (In Crore of Rupees)


2007-2008      Budget Estimates

2007-2008      Revised Estimates 2008-2009        Budget Estimates


A. Revenue Expenditure

1. Interest Payments and Prepayment Premium

158995 171971 190807

2. Defence

54078 54795 57593

3. Subsidies

54330 69742 71431

4. Grants to State and U.T. Governments

38403 36432 43294

5. Pensions

23488 24193 25086

6. Police

13939 14154 15562
7. Assistance to States from National
    Calamity Contingency Fund
1800 1800 1800

8. Economic Services
    (Agriculture, Industry, Power,
    Transport, Communications,
    Science & Technology etc.)

15701 15398 17987

9. Other General Services
    (Organs of State, tax
    collection, external affairs etc.)

10520 11222 11498

10.Social Services (Education,
     Health, Broadcasting, etc)

9321 10170 10385

11. Postal Deficit

1395 1205 958

12. Expenditure of Union
      Territories without Legislature

2031 2246 2269
13. Amount met from National Calamity
     Contingency Fund
-1800 -1800 -1800

14. Grants to Foreign Governments

1345 1447 1482

Total Revenue Non-Plan Expenditure

383546 412975 448352

B. Capital Expenditure

     1. Defence

41922 37705 48007

     2. Other Non-plan Capital Outlay

49314 49635 10567

     3. Loans to Public Enterprises

767 1122 673

     4. Loans to State and U.T. Governments

95 89 89

     5. Loans to Foreign Governments

102 67 4

     6. Others

-325 256 -194
Total Capital Non-Plan Expenditure 91875 88874 59146
Total Non-Plan Expenditure 475421 501849 507498

Note: Securities issued in the first and second Supplementary Demands for grants 2007-08 in lieu of subsidies.


      (i) Oil Marketing Companies


     (ii) Fertilizer Companies



  (In Crore of Rupees)


2005-2006      Budget Estimates

2005-2006      Revised Estimates 2008-2009        Budget Estimates


     A. Revenue Expenditure

     1. Central Plan

128727 124042 151417

     2. Central Assistance
         for State & Union
         Territory Plans

45627 51569 58350

              State Plan

43750 49840 56205

              Union Territory Plan

1877 1729 2145

Total-Revenue Plan Expenditure

174354 175611 209767

    B. Capital Expenditure

    1. Central Plan

26212 24627 28537

    2. Central Assistance
        for State & Union
        Territory Plans

4534 7286 5082

              State Plan

3378 6077 3947

              Union Territory Plan

1156 1209 1135

Total Capital Plan Expenditure

30746 31913 33619
Total - Plan Expenditure 205100 207524 243386
Total Budget Support for Central Plan 154939 148669 179954

Total Central Assistance
     for State & UT Plans

50161 58855 63432
TOTAL EXPENDITURE* 680521 709373 750884
     1. Repayment of debt** 262224 305108 335230
     2.  Total Interest Payments 158995 171971 190807
     3.  Total debt servicing (1+2) 421219 477079 526038
     4.  Revenue Receipts 486422 525098 602935
     5.  Percentage of 2 to 4 32.7% 32.8% 31.6%

*  Excludes expenditure matched by receipts (Details in Annex-2 to Expenditure Budget, Volume-1,

** Excludes discharge of 91 days, 182 days & 14 days intermediate Treasury bills, discharge of Ways & Means
    Advances including overdraft, income and expenditure of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF), investments
    of NSSF, Reserve Funds and Deposits not bearing interest and suspense transactions. Discharge under MSS
    met from the sequestered cash balances is not included.

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