Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Receipts

  Union Budget 2010-2011  


  (In Crore of Rupees)



2009-2010      Budget Estimates


2009-2010      Revised Estimates 2010-2011        Budget Estimates
 1.  Tax Revenue         
      Gross Tax Revenue  605298 641079 633095 746651
            Corporation tax 213395 256725 255076 301331
             Income tax 106046 112850 124989 120566
             Other taxes and Duties* 14936 425 6943 8103
             Customs 99879 98000 84477 115000
             Union Excise Duties 108613 106477 102000 132000
             Service Tax 60941 65000 58000 68000
             Taxes of the Union 
1488 1602 1610 1651
Less- NCCD transferred to the
     National Calamity Contingency




  Less States' Share 160179 164361 164832 208997
  Centre's Net Tax Revenue 443319 474218 465103 534094
 2. Non -Tax Revenue        
         Interest Receipts 20717 19174 19212 19253
         Dividend and Profits 38607 49750 51983 51309
         External Grants 2794 2136 3078 2060
         Other Non-Tax Revenue 34025 68465 36845 74571
         Receipts of Union Territories 797 754 1073 925
Total Non-Tax Revenue 96940 140279 112191 148118
Total Revenue Receipts 540259 614497 577294 682212
 3. CAPITAL RECEIPTS**        
 A. Non-debt Receipts        
         1. Recoveries of Loans &
6139 4225 4254 5129
         2. Miscellaneous Capital
566 1120 25958 40000
              Total 6705 5345 30212 45129
 B. Debt Receipts        
         3. Market Loans 233630 397957 398411 345010
         4. Short term borrowings 99596 ... -3904 ...
         5. External assistance (Net) 11015 16047 16535 22464
         6. Securities issued against
             Small Savings
-1302 13256 13256 13256
         7. State Provident Funds (Net) 8041 5000 8500 7000
         8. Other Receipts (Net) -66584 -31264 -13176 -6322
              Total  284396 400996 419622 381408
Total Capital Receipts (A+B)      291101 406341 449834 426537
4. DRAW-DOWN OF CASH BALANCE 52596 ... -5581 ...
Total Receipts (1+2+3+4) 883956 1020838 1021546 1108749
Financing of Fiscal Deficit (3B+4) 336992 400996 414041 381408
Receipts under MSS (Net) -81781 -38773 -86036 47263
       @ excludes recoveries of
           short-term loans and
           advances from States and
           loans to Government
           servants, etc.





*  Includes Wealth Tax, Securities Transaction Tax and Banking Cash Transaction Tax in RE 2009-10; and
    Wealth Tax and Securities Transaction Tax in BE 2010-11.
** The receipts are net of repayments.

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