Union Budget > Budget At a Glance > Central Plan Outlay by Sectors

  Union Budget 2010-2011 

        Central Plan Outlay by Sectors

  (In Crore of Rupees)


2009-2010      Budget Estimates

2009-2010      Revised Estimates 2010-2011        Budget Estimates

Agriculture and Allied Activities

10629 10123 12308

Rural Development*

51769 51560 55190

Irrigation and Flood Control

439 404 526


115574 109685 146579

Industry and Minerals

35740 30694 39019

Transport **

94306 88948 101997


16731 16099 18529

Science Technology & Environment

11207 9908 13677

General Economic Services

6270 5446 7554

Social Services***

103856 101370 127570

General Services

1400 1353 1535
Grand Total 447921 425590 524484

*     Includes provision for rural housing but excludes provision for rural roads.
**   Includes provision for rural roads.
*** Excludes provision for Rural Housing.


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