Page 173 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 173
156 Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 1
Figure 5: Correlation of COvId-19 cases/deaths and Per Capita Health expenditure
Panel a
Panel B
5.14 Despite improvements in healthcare access and quality (healthcare access and quality
scored at 41.2 in 2016, up from 24.7 in 1990), India continues to underperform in comparison
to other Low and Lower Middle Income (LMIC) countries. On quality and access of healthcare,
India was ranked 145th out of 180 countries (Global Burden of Disease Study 2016). Only few
sub-Saharan countries, some pacific islands, Nepal and Pakistan were ranked below India.
Poor health outcomes
5.15 As seen in Figure 6, despite improvements in MMR and IMR, India still needs to improve
significantly on these metrics. Countries such as China, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, etc.
have improved much more on these metrics than India.
low access and utilisation
5.16 At 3-4 per cent, the hospitalisation rates in India are among the lowest in the world; the
average for middle income countries is 8-9 per cent and 13-17 per cent for OECD countries