Page 248 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 248

Regulatory Forbearance: An Emergency Medicine, Not Staple Diet!  231

                                               (1)             (2)            (3)             (4)
                 VARIABLES               Log(Loan Amount)
                 Exposure to AQR (%)        -0.3484***       -0.2826*       -0.2156**        -0.2899*
                                            (-3.6049)        (-1.7049)      (-2.3061)        (-1.7165)
                 Observations               167,674          167,674        167,674          167,674
                 R-squared                  0.3044           0.3393         0.3118           0.3453
                 Controls                       No              No             Yes             Yes
                                                         Firm X Year &                   Firm X Year &
                 FE                        Firm X Year       Lender       Firm X Year       Lender
                 Clustering                   Firm           Lender           Firm          Lender
                Table 8: This table reports the OLS estimates of the equation above. Standard errors
                are clustered at the firm level in odd-numbered columns and the lender level in even-
                numbered  ones.  t-statistics  are  reported  in  parentheses.  *p<0.1;  **p<.05;  ***p<0.01.
                Source: Chopra, Subramanian, and Tantri (2020).
                The coefficients come out to be negative and statistically significant. This suggests that higher
                the exposure of a bank, more is the contraction in its credit supply following the AQR. In
                terms of the economic magnitude, a one standard deviation increase in the exposure due to
                the AQR reduces a bank’s lending by as much as 4%.
                Impact of lower capital on overall lending and zombie lending:
                The below regression specification from Chopra, Subramanian, and Tantri (2020), looks at
                the impact of undercapitalization on lending
                Log (Loan  Amount )  =  α+β ×  Exposure  to  AQR +  β ×  Zombie  (j,t-1)  +  β ×  Capital
                AdequacyRatio + β × Exposure to AQR × Zombie    (j,t-1)  + β × Exposure to AQR × CAR +
                β × Zombie (j,t-1)  × CAR + β × Exposure to AQR × Zombie (j,t-1)  × Capital AdequacyRatio it
                + β × X + ν + δ + epsilon  ijt
                The  observations  are  at  a  firm-lender-year  level.  The  dependent  variable  is  the  natural
                logarithm of the total amount lent by a lender i to a firm j in a year t. The key independent
                variables are: (i) Exposure defined as the lender’s divergence in provisions due to the AQR
                (as a % of total assets), (ii) CAR defined as the bank’s capital adequacy ratio, and (iii) Zombie
                defined as an indicator variable that equals one if interest coverage ratio (adjusted for any
                income from related party transactions) is less than one and zero otherwise in the year t-1.
                and  control for any time-varying firm-level trend and time-invariant lender level effects
                respectively.  are variables controlling for time-varying firm-lender-year level trends.
                                                   (1)           (2)          (3)           (4)
                        VARIABLES                               Log(Loan Amount)
                 Exposure to AQR (%)           -0.6264***    -0.6476***   -4.8615***    -4.8462***
                                                (-2.6718)     (-2.7588)    (-4.3438)     (-4.5303)
                 Capital Adequacy Ratio                                     0.0076        0.0070
                                                                           (1.5617)       (1.5173)
                 Exposure to AQR (%) x Capital
                 Adequacy Ratio                                           0.3763***      0.3724***
                                                                           (3.8534)       (3.9497)
                 Exposure to AQR (%) X
                 Zombie                         0.7216***     0.7509***   3.9556***      3.9325***
                                                 (3.3870)      (3.6242)    (3.3956)       (3.5502)
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