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144     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 1

                    Table 7: Primary Market Resource Mobilization through Public and Rights Issues

                                             2019-20 (upto December)         2020-21 (upto December)
                      Issue Type                             Amount                          Amount
                                           No. of Issues                   No. of Issues
                                                             (`  crore)                      (`  crore)

              Public Issue (Equity)            49            10,949.99          33          31,086.64
              Rights Issue (Equity)            13            51,865.86          16          60,906.90
              Total Public Issue               62            62,815.85          49          91,993.54

             Source: BSE, NSE and SEBI
             B. Private Placement

             4.42  The  year  2020-21  (upto  December)  witnessed  a  decrease  in  resource  mobilization
             through private placement route compared to that during the similar period for previous year.
             In April-December 2020, there were 183 issues mobilising ` 91,631.33 crore through private
             placement compared to 229 issues raising ` 1,79,443.86 crore during the same period last year
             (Table 9).

                       Table 8: Primary Market Resource Mobilization through Private Placements

                                                          2019-20                     2020-21
                                                      (upto December)             (upto December)
                         Issue Type
                                                 No of issues    Amount      No of issues    Amount
                                                                (`  crore)                   (`  crore)

              QIPs Allotment (Equity)                 9         34,028.55        21         64,148.50
              Preferential Allotment (Equity)        220       1,45,415.31       162        27,482.83

              Total Private Placement                229       1,79,443.86       183        91,631.33

             Source: BSE, NSE and SEBI

             4.43  In the year 2019-20 (upto December), resource mobilization through preferential allotment
             route was substantially more than that through Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) route.
             However, there was a reversal in this trend in April- December 2020. During this period, there
             were 21 QIPs and 162 preferential allotments raising ` 64,148.50 crore and ` 27,482.83 crore
             respectively, as compared to 9 QIPs and 220 Preferential allotment raising ` 34,028.55 crore
             and ` 1,45,415.3 crore respectively during the corresponding period of the previous financial

             2. Primary Markets (Debt)
             4.44  The total debt issuance in primary market increased by 29.7 per cent to ` 5.99 lakh crore
             during 2020-21 (upto December) as compared to ` 4.63 lakh crore in the corresponding period of
             the previous year. During April- December 2020, the amount raised through private placement
             of debt increased by 32.2 per cent to ` 5.95 lakh crore. During the same period, the amount
             raised through public debt issues declined by 67 per cent to ` 3,871.7 crore (Table 10).
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