Page 618 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 618

Agriculture & Food Management  245

             Mechanization and Crop Residue Management

             7.36  To increase availability of equipments/machines to the small and marginal farmers on hire
             basis, 9970, 2866 and 4170 custom hiring centres have so far been initiated in Punjab, Haryana
             and UP respectively. Several measures have been taken to manage crop residue which include
             i) distribution of 1,52,579 machines to the farmers in these states during the last two years and
             the current year, ii) awareness creation about in-situ crop residue management by conducting
             1,817 awareness programmes, 28,247 demonstrations, 696 training programs and 130 kisan
             melas during last two years and current year, iii) Replacement of long duration variety with
             short duration paddy. With the result area under long duration variety reduced from 8.30 lakhs
             hectare in 2019-20 to 4.82 lakh hectare area in 2020-21, and iv) crop diversification leading to
             reduction in area under paddy. As a result, the crop burning events in these states reduced from
             127774 in 2016 to 61332 in 2019.

             Reaching to the Farmers and Youth with Improved Technologies

             7.37  The  linking  of  3.37  lakh  common  service  centers  with  721  KVKs  has  tremendously
             enhanced  outreach  of  the  KVKs  and  provided  demand  driven  services  and  information  to
             farmers. The improved technologies reached farmers’ fields through 34432 on-farm trials and
             2.44 lakh frontline demonstrations by KVKs. The production of 2.01 lakh quintals quality seeds
             of field crops, 348.01 lakh planting materials of horticultural crops and 409.06 lakh livestock
             strains and fish fingerlings were made available to farmers at a nominal cost.

             7.38  During the last 5 years ending 2018-19, food processing industries (FPI) has been growing
             at an average annual growth rate of around 9.99 per cent as compared to around 3.12 per cent
             in agriculture and 8.25 per cent in manufacturing at 2011-12 prices. Food processing sector has
             also emerged as an important segment of the Indian economy in terms of its contribution to GDP,
             employment and investment. The sector constitutes as much as 8.98 per cent of Gross Value
             Added (GVA) in manufacturing in 2018-19 at 2011-12 prices. Figure 13 presents a comparative
             performance of food processing sector.

                                     Figure 13: Growth of GVA in Different Sectors

                    -3   2012-13    2013-14   2014-15    2015-16    2016-17   2017-18    2018-19

                         Share of the GVA of FPI in Country GVA  Share of the GVA of FPI in Manufacturing GVA
                         Growth of GVA in FPI

                  Source: Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI)
   613   614   615   616   617   618   619   620   621   622   623