Page 71 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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54      Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 1



             Source: IMF World Bank
             Notes: d: Change in General Government Debt as a per cent of GDP r: Real interest rate; g: Real growth rate
             The data for EMEs is taken starting from the year 2000 due to data constraint.
             Data for Thailand is available from 2006.
             2.9  Cross country evidence also suggests that, within countries, growth rates vary far more across
             time than interest rates (Figure 5a). In fact, a higher variability is observed in mean growth rates

                               Figure 5: Variation in g vis-à-vis variation in r (1980 – 2018)
                           5a. Variation in growth rates and interest       5b. Variation in average growth
                                   rates within countries                    rate and average interest rate
                                                                                   across countries

             Time period: 1980 to 2018
             Source: IMF, World bank
             Countries such as Brazil, France, Germany have not been included due to non-availability of data on real
             interest rate in World Bank data portal; the panel is unbalanced.
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