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340     Economic Survey 2021-22

                                  Box 4: Patent application procedure in India

                                                                                Actual time taken
                      Application stages          Prescribed time limit
                                                                                    and issue

               Once the patent application is filed, a request for examination can be filed anytime within 48
               months from the date of filing, although it is usually filed along with the application.

               1.   Publication:   Once    the   18 months                 18  months  from  the  date  of
                    application  has  been  filed,  it   The reason for granting   filing.
                    is published by the Controller.  this amount of time is to

                                                 allow the applicant time to
                                                 withdraw it.

               2.   Reference to an Examiner:    1 month from the date of
                    Examiners    are   officers   publication.
                    appointed  by the  Controller
                    to conduct a formal as well as                         The entire process usually
                    a  substantive  examination  of                        takes 12 months.
                    the invention.
                                                                           Delays  occur  at  the  stage  of
               3.   First  Examination  Report:   3-5 months               appointment of the examiner.
                    The  examiner  must  submit   The   Examiner    must   This is primarily due to the
                    an  examination report  to  the   submit  the  FER to the   lack of examiners qualified to
                    Controller,  after  which  the   Controller  within  1-3   examine  patents  in  different
                    First  Examination  Report   months from the date  of   sectors, thereby creating  a
                    (FER) is issued by the       receipt.  The  Controller   backlog.
                    Controller to the applicant.   must  then  issue  the  FER
                                                 to the applicant  within 2

               After the FER has been issued, the applicant has 6 months to provide its the Controller.

               4.   Hearing:  Controller  must   No time  limit  has been   The  hearing   is  usually
                    notify and conduct a hearing   prescribed  for   the   completed within 6-9 months
                    to determine  the  validity  of   completion of this step  from the date of receiving
                    responses to the FER and any                           responses to the FER.
                    outstanding objections which
                    may not have been adequately
                    addressed by the applicant.
               After  the  hearing,  the  applicant  must  submit  written  submissions  and  the  relevant  documents
               (including any additional information, explanations, evidence and amendments required pursuant to
               the hearing) within fifteen days from the date of hearing.
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