Page 93 - economic_survey_2021-2022
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Fiscal Developments   67

             2.40  Public debt portfolio exhibits low currency and interest rate risk owing to low reliance on
             external borrowing and issuance of majority of securities at fixed coupon. Further, most of the
             external borrowing are from official sources which are of long term and concessional in nature.
             The roll over risk is also low owing to low issuance of short-term bonds with a view to elongate
             the maturity profile. The proportion of dated securities maturing in less than five years has seen
             consistent decline in recent years. The weighted average maturity of outstanding stock of dated
             securities of Government has increased from 9.7 years at end March 2010 to 11.31 years at the
             end March 2021, thus reducing the rollover risk (Figure 19).

                     Figure 19: Maturity Profile of Outstanding Dated Central Government Securities

                                  Per cent of total  20.0  30.9  35.0           19.2

                                   10.0       29.3       29.0    22.9 22.5
                                    5.0                                     11.2
                                         0 to 5 years  5-10 years  10-20 years  20 years and
                                                   2012-13  2020-21 (P)

                                Source:  Status  Paper  on  Government  Debt;  Quarterly  Report  on
                                Public Debt Management;
                                Note: P: Provisional

             2.41  Public debt is largely owned by institutional segments like banks, insurance companies,
             provident funds etc. The share of commercial banks stood at 37.77 per cent at end-March 2021,
             lower than 40.4 per cent at end-March 2020. Share of insurance companies and provident funds
             at end-March 2021 stood at 25.3 per cent and 4.44 per cent, respectively. Share of mutual funds
             increased from 1.4 per cent at end-March 2020 to 2.94 per cent at end-March 2021. Share
             of RBI went up to 16.2 per cent at end March-2021 from 15.1 per cent at end-March 2020.
             Issuance of dated securities is planned and conducted, keeping in view the debt management
             objective of keeping the cost of debt low, while assuming prudent levels of risk and promoting
             market development. All these factors make the public debt portfolio stable and also sustainable.
             2.42  A vibrant secondary market provides opportunity to the investors to balance their portfolio
             as desired. Availability of government securities upto 40 years provides a wide choice to the
             investors. Trading though currently concentrated in few securities, is showing signs of more
             even spread. Moreover, the recently launched Retail Direct Scheme by RBI will be instrumental
             in channelizing the savings of middle class, small businessmen and senior citizens directly into
             risk free government securities. With an objective to facilitate efficient direct access of retail
             individual investor to the G-Sec market, which was earlier directly being accessed only by
             large institutional investors, this scheme will give a boost to financial inclusion and broaden the
             investor base.
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