Page 615 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 615

242     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

             7.21  According to FAOSTAT production data (2019), India ranks 5th in meat production in the
             world. Meat production in the country has increased from 6.7 million tonnes in 2014-15 to 8.6
             million tonnes in 2019-20*. The annual growth rate of meat production was 5.98 per cent in


             7.22  Covid-19 lockdown caused a drop in the market demand due to closure of the outlets
             selling livestock products. With closure of sweet shops and tea stalls, a large number of private
             dairies were impacted and they stopped milk procurement from the farmers. This resulted in the
             farmers diverting their milk to the cooperatives. As a result, milk procurement in the cooperative
             sector increased because, as per their mandate, they could not reject milk supplied by the farmers.
             The cooperatives are faced with liquidity problems due to higher conversion into milk powder
             and white butter caused by higher milk procurement.

             7.23  Steps were taken to keep a close surveillance on the milk situation and facilitate resolution
             of the issues relating to the forward and backward linkages for smooth supply of milk and
             milk  products  during  lockdown. As  one-time  support,  a  sub-scheme  for  providing  interest
             subvention on working capital loans was designed for the financial year 2020-21 under the
             ongoing  scheme  State  Dairy  Cooperative  &  Farmers  Producers  Organization  (SDCFPO)  to
             provide interest subvention of 2 per cent per annum, with an additional incentive of 2 per cent
             interest subvention for prompt and timely repayment to the financially stressed milk unions.
             Consequent upon budget announcement on inclusion of livestock sector in Kisan Credit Card
             in February 2020, 1.5 crores dairy farmers of milk cooperatives and milk producer companies’
             were targeted to provide Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) as part of Prime Minister’s Atma Nirbhar
             Bharat Package.
             Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)

             7.24  As  a  part  of  the Atma  Nirbhar  Bharat Abhiyan  stimulus  package,  a  `  15000  crores
             Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) has been set up. The AHIDF
             will incentivize investments by individual entrepreneurs, private companies including MSME,
             farmers producers organizations (FPOs) and Section 8 companies to establish (i) dairy processing
             and value addition infrastructure (ii) meat processing and value addition infrastructure, and
             (iii) animal feed plant.

             7.25  The  Government  of  India  will  provide  3  per  cent  interest  subvention  to  eligible
             beneficiaries. There will be a 2 year moratorium period for the principal loan amount and 6 years
             repayment period thereafter. The interest subvention would be released to banks every year by
             the Government based on entitlement claimed. The Government of India would also set up a
             Credit Guarantee fund of ` 750 crores to be managed by NABARD. Credit guarantee would
             be  provided  to  those  sanctioned  projects  which  are  covered  under  MSME  defined  ceilings.
             Guarantee coverage would be upto 25 per cent of the credit facility of borrowers. To ease out
             the application process, an online portal '' has been developed by SIDBI
             through which applicants can apply online to avail loans under this scheme.

             *Data is provisional.
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