Page 755 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 755
A 10 | Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2
Table 1.4 B. Nominal Gross Value Added at Basic Prices by Industry of Origin
(` crore)
At current prices
Year Agriculture, Manufacturing, Trade, Financing, Community Gross value
forestry & construction, hotels, insurance, real social & added at
fishing, mining electricity, gas transport & estate and personal basic prices
and quarrying and water communication business services (2 to 6)
supply services
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
2011-12 Series
2011-12 1762983 2373988 1413116 1530877 1025982 8106946
2012-13 1960949 2637551 1663986 1776632 1163574 9202692
2013-14 2222166 2895076 1874467 2069508 1301935 10363153
2014-15 2402088 3139713 2107597 2363347 1491536 11504279
2015-16 2521544 3472237 2294513 2626138 1660067 12574499
2016-17 2845470 3770300 2539156 2911437 1898837 13965200
2017-18 (2 RE) 3154696 4169639 2812706 3206559 2169522 15513122
2018-19 (1 RE) 3312168 4567459 3142620 3622130 2495584 17139962
2019-20 (PE) 3650545 4646998 3316653 3842524 2886517 18343237
2020-21 (1 AE) 3789072 4244536 2711124 3896395 2935715 17576842
Source: National Statistical Office
PE : Provisional Estimates RE: Revised Estimates AE: Advance Estimates