Page 61 - economic_survey_2021-2022
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State of the Economy  35

              Business Process      Liberalized guidelines for Other Service Providers (OSPs)
              Outsourcing (BPO)           Clear definition of OSP: The applicability of new guidelines is limited to
              sector                   entities that provide ‘Voice based BPO services’ to its customers. Voice
                                       based BPO services are defined to mean call centre services.
                                     Removal of registration requirement for OSP centres in India.
                                      No bank guarantee required for any facility or dispensation under these
                                     Distinction between Domestic and International OSPs removed.
                                      Work from home and remote locations allowed: The agents at home/
                                        anywhere  shall  be  treated  as remote  agents  of  the  OSP  centre.  The
                                        interconnection between remote agents is permitted using any technology
                                        including broadband over wireline/wireless. The remote agent can now
                                        directly connect to customer Electronic  Private  Automatic Branch
                                        Exchange  (EPABX) /centralised EPABX without the need to connect
                                        with the OSP centre.
                                      Interconnection between two or more OSP centres of the same or unrelated
                                        company is now permitted.
                                      Infrastructure sharing among OSPs is now allowed. The guidelines allow
                                        the use of EPABX at foreign locations.
              Telecom               l Structural reforms
                                             Rationalization of Adjusted Gross Revenue: Non-telecom revenue
                                           will be excluded from the definition of Adjusted Gross Revenue.
                                             Bank Guarantees  rationalized:  Huge reduction  in Bank Guarantee
                                           requirements  against  License  Fee and other similar  levies.  For
                                           auctions held henceforth, no Bank Guarantees will be required to
                                           secure instalment payments.
                                             Interest rates rationalized and penalties from delayed payments of
                                           License Fee or Spectrum Usage Charge (SUC) removed.
                                            100 per cent FDI under automatic route permitted in telecom sector.
                                             No Spectrum Usage Charge (SUC) for spectrum acquired in future
                                           spectrum auctions.
                                             Spectrum sharing encouraged: The additional SUC of 0.5 per cent for
                                           spectrum sharing removed.
                                       Process Reforms
                                    l         Requirement of customs clearance for import of wireless equipment
                                           removed and replaced with self-declaration to improve the ease of
                                           doing business.
                                             Standing  Advisory Committee  on Radio  Frequency  Allocation
                                           clearance  process for installing  towers shall  be  through self-
                                           declaration/ automated time-bound approvals on SaralSanchar portal
                                           of Department of Telecom.
                                           Self-KYC permitted now through an app/web- based process.
                                            Paper Customer Acquisition Forms will be replaced by digital storage
                                           of data.
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