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State of the Economy 35
Business Process Liberalized guidelines for Other Service Providers (OSPs)
Outsourcing (BPO) Clear definition of OSP: The applicability of new guidelines is limited to
sector entities that provide ‘Voice based BPO services’ to its customers. Voice
based BPO services are defined to mean call centre services.
Removal of registration requirement for OSP centres in India.
No bank guarantee required for any facility or dispensation under these
Distinction between Domestic and International OSPs removed.
Work from home and remote locations allowed: The agents at home/
anywhere shall be treated as remote agents of the OSP centre. The
interconnection between remote agents is permitted using any technology
including broadband over wireline/wireless. The remote agent can now
directly connect to customer Electronic Private Automatic Branch
Exchange (EPABX) /centralised EPABX without the need to connect
with the OSP centre.
Interconnection between two or more OSP centres of the same or unrelated
company is now permitted.
Infrastructure sharing among OSPs is now allowed. The guidelines allow
the use of EPABX at foreign locations.
Telecom l Structural reforms
Rationalization of Adjusted Gross Revenue: Non-telecom revenue
will be excluded from the definition of Adjusted Gross Revenue.
Bank Guarantees rationalized: Huge reduction in Bank Guarantee
requirements against License Fee and other similar levies. For
auctions held henceforth, no Bank Guarantees will be required to
secure instalment payments.
Interest rates rationalized and penalties from delayed payments of
License Fee or Spectrum Usage Charge (SUC) removed.
100 per cent FDI under automatic route permitted in telecom sector.
No Spectrum Usage Charge (SUC) for spectrum acquired in future
spectrum auctions.
Spectrum sharing encouraged: The additional SUC of 0.5 per cent for
spectrum sharing removed.
Process Reforms
l Requirement of customs clearance for import of wireless equipment
removed and replaced with self-declaration to improve the ease of
doing business.
Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation
clearance process for installing towers shall be through self-
declaration/ automated time-bound approvals on SaralSanchar portal
of Department of Telecom.
Self-KYC permitted now through an app/web- based process.
Paper Customer Acquisition Forms will be replaced by digital storage
of data.