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36      Economic Survey 2021-22

                                            Auction calendar fixed: Spectrum auctions to be normally held in the
                                          last quarter of every financial year.

                                    l   Along with this, various measures were undertaken to address liquidity
                                        requirement  of telecom  service providers including  moratorium/
                                        deferment on payments of dues arising out of the adjusted gross revenue
                                        judgement  or due payments  of spectrum  purchased in past auctions
                                        (excluding the auction of 2021).
              Public procurement     New guidelines for procurement and project management were announced
              policy                 in October 2021
                                           Quality-cum-Cost Based Selection for the selection of bidders for works
                                        and non-consultancy services allowed as well.
                                          Stringent deadlines for making payments: The new guidelines stipulate
                                        timely release of payments of 75 per cent or more of bills raised within 10
                                        working days of the submission of the bill. The remaining bill payment is
                                        to be made after final checking within 28 working days.
                                         Arbitration and dispute resolution: Procuring authorities to set a special
                                        board/committee to review the case before filing an appeal against any
                                        order. Government has allowed for the release of 75 per cent of the amount
                                        to contractors against a bank guarantee in cases where a procuring agency
                                        has challenged an arbitral award.
              Aviation               Drone Rules (announced in August 2021)
                                          Extended applicability of rules: Drones up to 500 kg are now subject to
                                        regulations, compared to the earlier limit of 300 kg.
                                          Several approvals abolished with the total forms to be filled reduced
                                        from 25 to 5.
                                         Types of fees reduced from 72 to 4.
                                           Quantum of fees to be paid considerably reduced and delinked with the
                                        size of drone.
                                         Removal of requirement of prior security clearance.
                                          Earlier  restrictions  on all  foreign entities  owning, manufacturing  or
                                        dealing with drones in India has been done away with.
                                          No remote pilot licence required for micro drones (for non-commercial
                                        use) and nano drones.
                                          Expanded area of drone operations: An interactive map on the Digital
                                        Sky platform specifies colour-coded zones on the map i.e. green, yellow
                                        and  red,  indicating  free  zones,  those  which  require  prior  permission,
                                        and no-fly zones, respectively. The perimeters of these zones have also
                                        been liberalised to increase freely accessible airspace under the green
              Financial sector      l Banking: Reforms in Deposit Insurance
                                          Increase in deposit insurance from ` 1 lakh to ` 5 lakh per depositor
                                          per bank. This led to 98.1 per cent of the total number of accounts
                                          being fully protected and 50.9 per cent of total deposits being insured
                                          at end-March 2021.
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