Budget At a Glance
(In crore of Rupees) |
1999-00 Actuals | 2000-2001 Budget Estimates |
2000-2001 Revised Estimates |
2001-2002 Budget Estimates |
1. Revenue Receipts | 181513 | 203673 | 206166 | 231745 |
2. Tax Revenue (net to centre) |
128271 | 146209 | 144403 | 163031 |
3. Non-Tax Revenue | 53242 | 57464 | 61763 | 68714 |
4. Capital Receipts (5+6-+7) |
116571 |
134814 | 129357 | 143478 |
5. Recoveries of Loans | 10131 | 13539 | 14885 | 15164 |
6. Other Receipts | 1723 | 10000 | 2500 | 12000@ |
7. Borrowings and
other |
104717 | 112275 | 111972 | 116314 |
8. Total Receipts (1+4) | 298084 | 338487 | 335523 | 375223 |
9. Non-Plan Expenditure | 221902 | 250387 | 249284 | 275123 |
10. On Revenue Account of which |
202309 | 228768 | 230431 | 250341 |
11. Interest Payments | 90249 | 101266 | 100667 | 112300 |
12. On Capital Account | 19593 | 21619 | 18853 | 24782 |
13. Plan Expenditure | 76182 | 88100 | 86238 | 95100 |
14. On Revenue Account | 46800 | 52330 | 53104 | 60225 |
15. On Capital Account | 29382 | 35770 | 33134 | 34875 |
16. Lump sum provision for Additional Plan expenditure linked to disinvestment receipts | 5000 |
17. Total Expenditure (9+13) | 298084 | 338487 | 335523 | 375223 |
18. Revenue Expenditure (10+14) |
249109 | 281098 | 283535 | 310566 |
19. Capital Expenditure (12+15+16) |
48975 | 57389 | 51987 | 64657 |
20. Revenue Deficit (18-1) |
67596 (3.5) |
77425 (3.6) |
77369 (3.6) |
78821 (3.2) |
21. Fiscal Deficit {(17-(1+5+6)} |
104717 (5.4) |
111275 (5.1) |
111972 (5.1) |
116314 (4.7) |
22. Primary Deficit (21-11) |
14468 (0.7) |
10009 (0.5) |
11305 (0.5) |
4014 (0.2) |
@ Of the total estimated disinvestment proceeds, Rs. 7000 crore have been earmarked for restructuring assistance to Public Sector Undertakings, safety net to workers and reduction of debt burden. Remaining Rs. 5000 crore has been earmarked for addittional budgetary support for the Plan, primarily in the social and infrastructure sectors. This additional allocation for the plan will contingent upon realization of the anticipated receipts. Figures within the parantheses indicate the deficit as percentage of GDP. |