Page 254 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 254

Innovation: Trending Up but needs                                             08

             thrust, especially from the Private

             Sector                                                                        CHAPTER

                         “If a rare opportunity occurs, while it lasts, let a man do that which is rarely
                                                  to be accomplished (but for such an opportunity)”.

                                                               ― Thirukural, Chapter 49, verse 489.

                India entered the top 50 innovating countries for the first time in 2020 since the inception
                of the Global Innovation Index (GII) in 2007, by improving its rank from 81 in 2015 to
                48 in 2020. To herald this significant achievement while setting out the path for further
                progress, the Survey examines India’s innovation performance on various dimensions.

                India  ranks  first  in  Central  and  South Asia,  and  third  amongst  lower  middle-income
                group economies. Among the seven pillars of the GII, India ranks 27  in knowledge and
                technology outputs (KTO); 31  in market sophistication; 55  in business sophistication;
                60  in human capital and research (HCR); 61  in institutions; 64  in creative output; and
                75  in infrastructure. Among sub-pillars, India ranks tenth in knowledge diffusion and 15
                in trade, commerce and market scale. Among parameters, India ranks first in ICT services
                exports; third in domestic market scale (PPP); ninth in government’s online services;
                ninth in growth rate of productivity; 12  in science and engineering graduates; 13  in
                ease of protecting minority investors; 15  in e-participation; 16  in average expenditure
                of top three global R&D companies; and 19  in market capitalisation.
                India’s  ranking  on  innovation  outputs  improved  from  69  in  2015  to  45  in  2020.  Its
                ranking on KTO almost halved from 49 in 2015 to 27 in 2020 while ranking on creative
                outputs  improved  from  95  in  2015  to  64  in  2020.  India’s  innovation  input  sub-index
                ranking improved from 100 in 2015 to 57 in 2020. This improvement was led by business
                sophistication, where ranking improved from 116 in 2015 to 55 in 2020. India’s ranking
                on Institutions improved from 104 in 2015 to 61 in 2020. Its ranking on HCR improved
                from 103 in 2015 to 60 in 2020. Its ranking on market sophistication improved from 72
                in 2015 to 31 in 2020. India’s ranking on infrastructure improved from 87 in 2015 to 75
                in 2020.

                The GII also highlights areas with scope for improvement. India ranks 107  on education
                sub-pillar,  mainly  on  account  of  ranking  118   on  pupil-teacher  ratio  in  secondary
                education; 115  on new business per thousand population in ages 15-64; 108  on tertiary
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